Need vox, any takers?


Feb 21, 2010
Hey fellers, I wrote a song but I can't scream/sing for shit. If anybody wants to take a shot at vox on this bitch go for it. I wanna hear what everybody comes up with. This is more metal than I'm used to writing so go easy on me. There are a few guitar mistakes here and there but I'll fix those later on. Also give me some pointers on my mix if you will. Thanks!
You sound A LOT like Randy

If you mean the Thunderfuck track I linked you to, then cool, I love LOG but Osku our official growler also gets told he sounds like Randy. It's cool, but kinda lame because none of us try to sound like that, so sometimes people dislike us because they think we are deliberately trying to rip off LOG which we aren't.
New version with some screams I did last night - Jam.mp3


I am not the one to bleed your lies,
Though every vein is free,
The world is not the dream it was once believed to be,

I feel the life inside is falling like a bomb,
You know the end is near but the damage is unknown,


Everyone can see, you're not who you're supposed to be,

Everyone now knows, you're fake and broken,