need work again

I need to have a job by Sunday or I'm getting kicked out.

I ended up in an argument with my mom today which resulted in my applications getting crumpled up and/or torn up, me subsequently being pushed out of her car and cut on the leg by the door since I refused to get out, and me kicking her door and denting it due to being fucking pissed for what she had just done. She has since left me a few messages telling me that I will pay for the damage or she will take me to small claims court.

I'm pretty fucked, and though it is stupid and selfish, I feel like there is no point to even being around anymore.
today i had a positive job interview for an office-y job that i hope i get. i also matted prints for 7 1/2 hours. blargghh. thats part of my part-time gig that i didnt lose, but which is irregular and for a super-unpredictable boss who fired my friend yesterday for no "reality-based" reason. i probably will be checking out the tea lounge - my roommate works there and recommended it as well. ive got cds from dimmu borgir and gorefest to review too... busy busy busy! sorta.
be a sub! at my school! for my kids! i need a day off.

aura i used to get thrown out of the house every christmas when i was younger, my stuff all over the front lawn. it was for dumb things like not making my bed. you need to move out and your relationship with your parents will hugely improve.
xfer how much pain in the ass is it to become a sub?
i know in my town i was going to in CT but they wanted like 3 letters of recommendation and a big application process... by the time my former bosses wrote me letters, i had lost interest in sub-ing and moved to new york or somehting
hooray i got a shitty temp gig doing some data entry. but guess what? thats fine. full time hours for up to five weeks... during which time i will of course be working on my other "careers" as a rock journalist and academic research assistant and... cruising craigslist for the next thing.