need your help

Hi I am new here,
I'm a 19 years old girl from the Netherlands, been listening tot anathema for quite some time now.
I usually just kind of snoop around here, I never post anything. But this time I couldn't resist: You can vote as many times as you like by deleting your cookies and temporary internet files, kind of unfair though. But just thought I should let you know.
yeah, i know you can vote again when you delete these things.. i did it the first time i putted anathema in the list..

the weird thing is that i only putted them in the list the first few times.. the others aren't mine,
so.. that means i made a few people like anathema :headbang: (now all we need is an anathemagig at zigzag, and everybody would like them..
alright, thank you all for voting.. but keep it going!!!

but aparently there is a problem with the server so we're back on thrack tomorrow
CD voorstellen voor de maand Oktober 2004

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '8007000e'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded.

/muziek/cdpoll.asp, line 56