Vote for my band !! :D

hehe, thanx guys :D

My brother´s band is also in the poll, but they get a lot of gigs anyway, and they already got a gig on the day that this festival will be, so they can´t even make it :P

Funny though... in the pic I posted a couple of posts ago, we had 666 votes and my brother´s band had 555 votes :P
btw, for those who haven´t heard my band yet, there are 2 mp3´s from our demo on our website

I wasn´t really satisfied with the sound, so I remastered them in the studio a couple of days ago, so if you already have the songs but don´t like the quality, check out the new mp3´s
Only 102 ahead... I could have sworn it was 125 this afternoon...
12 days left... :D

Voting time :) tell your friends and have your friends tell their friends to tell their friends and so on :P
I don't know you, but I voted for your band, I'll bookmark the link and vote every day...

BUT I wanna hear some songs from your band as return, fair deal, isn't it?
After listening to one of your songs all I can say is...

Metalzone boss pedal? :grin:

I hope you win this poll or whatever it is!
yes, that was indeed a Boss Metal Zone (and an Ibanez JEM :D)


3 ROADCREW 1436 14.4

They fucking passed us :( only a week left... we gotta get those fuckers back...
Cool, thanx guys.... we were 50 votes behind Screechaser today....

But at the moment we´re 2 votes ahead again.. 6 days left... everyone please keep voting AND (very important) ask your friends to vote too every day (and they should ask their friends too :P)