need your help

breda, that's not far from here.. i live in Merksplas, that's just 25 km (if it isn't closer) so i see you at Zigzag for the Metalgigs??

and yes, it's easy to find.. it's behind the church in Merksplas, wich is next to Turnhout
it's not a big place (rather small) but it's nice

so i'll see ya there the 11th??
I'll try to be there, but I'm not sure because I haven't got a car so it depends!

And I haven't been to Breda Barst, I was at the lovely festival graspop :kickass:
I had just bought my graspop ticket and found out the next day anathema was playing Breda Barst and the festival was like a 5 minute walk from my home!!! Then I found out it was during graspop :waah:

Maybe next time, eh!

Edit: I do have some lovely pictures though, click here and scroll a bit to the right side of the page.