we shall be an e-democracy


New Metal Member
Feb 28, 2002
this place needs a superior e-entity, what people call a MODERATOR. therefore, i reckon we should vote to elect one. so all the candidates please make yourself know from us, explain the pledges youll break to us, and when all the candidates will be named, we'll set up a poll. then we'll agree on a flag and an anthem.

once all of that will be done, we'll be able to bring war to other forums properly.
if im moderator, i promise ill keep that way, or make it even worse actually!

Read my lips....

...no more gayness.

I promise:
A pint
A bird
A removable muzzy
A black Mercedes SL500 AMG
Another bird
A fully equipped state of the art computer
A plasma TV
Another bird
And yet one more bird
A Lemmy action figure
A fox-terrier
A David Hasselhoff shaped dildo
A signed piece of Varg Vikernes cell wall
A chance to realize everything in this post is bullshit and I'll delete all of yer posts like :D
I will install e-democracy in this forum, and make sure everbody gets what he/she wants promptly, euh, you all shall have anathema albums on my expenses, i will make you all premium members( I will pay) I will give you free mp3's, I will drive you to school/university, wherever you want to go, I will make sure you have sexual relations (man-woman)(no gays) as often as I can. BLUAHHH..Vote For MEEE..hihihihiiiiii
If you vote for me you will have :

- More stupid polls with a time option
- More broken English
- No censorship of nude/porn pics
- Censorship of pseudo-intellectual posts/threads
- No censorship of obscenities/profanities/insults except stuff like Shitstabber's
- More Drifting Breed promotion
- More jokes about Belgians and Greeks
- Censorship of all nazi/racist/discrimating posts/threads ( except when it's an ok joke ) + banning of the concerned user :D
- A pic of my arse