we shall be an e-democracy

If this forum adopts moderators,especially the two favourable male ones mentioned together before,this will be a one-dimension forum,the points of view *allowed* will be specific and anything beyond that will be showered with irony and ridiculing to death(as if it doesn't happen already).Or even impulsive,bad manners.

I wont care much anyway,cheers:)
dictators were thrown out 30 years ago mehd.well,i dont think we do need a moderator.nobody gets freaky,posting spam or relevant shite.Except if you consider annoying ppl like me,that sometimes say stuff you(plural)dont *like*,for various reasons and you want them to shut up.Thats why im talking about one-dimension.oh well whatever
i was more refering to bad manners but oh well. by the way mrs a, the assumptions youre making are outrageously scandalous. your party is well known for being a bunch of emotional intellectuals, and we the PPM [party of proper men] will fight you all until the last of yous stops weeping ffs!

vote MAN
i think what most of you want here is not moderation but censorship

I vote for Mark, the current moderator, cos he's good, period.
Seriously now,
i don't want to be a moderator coz i won't have time and I don't like to do that stuff on a board that doesn't directly concern me but I reckon Danny is the best person to be the mod. I agree with him on the fact that only 'terrible' things should be deleted like shitstabber's posts and stuff like Trona's most sick posts etc... whatever ... Mehdi for mod would be such a funny paradox after all the pics he's posted under the name of Moody :lol: