Need your help!

I can inform you that we made it into the last stage of the contest! Thank you all for voting, we couldn't have done it without your help!

We will now perform with three other bands at "Cafe Rocks" in Enschede on the 18th of November! So please come and support us if you can! The people will be able to vote there for the band they want to perform with Nile! Obviously friends go before quality, so we need as much support as we can!

Thanks again and we'll keep you posted!

It's gonna be a weird evening! We don't know how well things will go..... our guitarplayer was in surgery this weekend and now has 12 stitches in his belly! So he won't be able to play wednesday and we'll be performing with only one guitarplayer....

Will be weird without him though! We hope he'll be with us on saturday, when have a headining gig in Dokkum!

Fingers crossed!
Well, for those still interested:

We finished 2nd! After becoming first with the audience(good job for a non-local band!!!), unfortunately we lost by a few points with the judges! But still, we got some new fans, played a great gig and made some new friends!

Thank you all for voting. I know I can count on you for the next time!