Need your input again - Melodeath roughmix


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
So I was working on this earlier and my hearing sporadically just gave out. Either that or my brain popped a fuse! Anyway, since I've got the down time, it'd be great if you guys could shoot me some feedback about where the mix is currently at.

It's worth noting that the synths aren't mixed at all at this point, but everything else more or less is.

EDIT: New version
Would be better off taking the synths out untill their mixed IMO. Drums sound good on their own and the bass is pretty nice. The guitars aren't really offensive anywhere but I'd almost want to say they sound a touch flat. Maybe when we get more of the song and the full mix it will be easier to judge.
The synths need lot of they sound too much like a guitarpro midi and they need a better sound. The rest of the mix is pretty cool, expecially the drums but the rest is very buried under the synths so I can't hear it very well.
What you can do about the synths is to boost the very ultra highend with a wide Q to make em sound less cheap.
Also play around with the mids and make some minor cuts to get it to sit better instead of just turning them down too much.
Try a 400-600hz cut for the guitars. Also, there's some nasty constant tone at 1,5 khz that I guess comes from the synth. I think I hear a lot of clipping, as well. Otherwise it's pretty cool. I like the low end :)
hmmm quite interesting mix.
I dont hear the synth at all, solo has a nice sound but I think guitars are crushing very well. nice job but there is still something to do in the mix.
What you can do about the synths is to boost the very ultra highend with a wide Q to make em sound less cheap.
Also play around with the mids and make some minor cuts to get it to sit better instead of just turning them down too much.

Try a 400-600hz cut for the guitars. Also, there's some nasty constant tone at 1,5 khz that I guess comes from the synth. I think I hear a lot of clipping, as well. Otherwise it's pretty cool. I like the low end :)

Agreed on both. Sounding like it will be pretty kick ass though.
With the synths my veiw on them would be to have them much lower and swamped in verb. I hope there are vocal parts over the top of them. I guess that one will have to be up to the band and yourself to duel out though.
It's up in the air. I can't quite decide whether to go for Neb's approach and swamp them in verb and have them low, or try to sculp something less offensive out of them with EQ and Comp. The harpsichord above all is the most fake sounding. The piano has a 12dB boost of air with the API 550A and it still sounds dull in the mix. It's not a walk in the park, sadly. Considering it was all recorded in the singer's bedroom with rather mediocre equipment, it could be sounding worse right about now.

My biggest dilemma at the moment is where to cut around a bit more with the rhythm guitars and get the mix more scooped sounding, or leave it as is and let the gentle cuts in mastering do the rest. I'm still getting used to my speakers, so it's hard to tell what's 'correct' anymore. We'll see as it shapes up I guess.

Thanks for all your feedback.
sounds pretty good that last mix, synths don't sound that terribly offensive to me, I'd try giving them some reverb so they sound a bit farther away than the other instruments like nebulous suggested. Just put them in the background, Guitars and vocals should be the instruments to lead the way in metal stuff IMO.
Ahhh Ermin!
You make me so proud dude!!!

I can't wait for this thing to be out, it's something I'm quite proud of mate, and you have definitely delivered it how it's meant to be!

* Lead tone is the Mesa mark IV boosted by Ermins DIY Tubescreamer. Love that amp!

Cheers guys!
Much better! The synths are about the max volume that I would consider them appropriate (ie, they can come down further if you want but are also acceptable where they are). The drums could come up a touch.