Working on my next project, need a guest solo dudes!

I'm not saying what I just said "just to be nice" to you dude :) It might have not been the most super impressive solo in the whole universe so that even Ziltoid the Almighty himself would be stunned by it, but it definately brought a whole different flavour to the music than I would even think of, therefore I will definately keep it as a candidate. It was a little bit Meshuggah-ish tonally I guess, which is cool because I almost never draw influences from them.

I can't really point out what it is about the first 1/3 of the solo that I'm not quite happy about though... maybe it's that it doesn't fit 100% tonally... not sure. Wish I had all that music theory some great musicians possess, then I might've been able to point it out a bit better :D You can always go back and try a different beginning for the solo if you feel you have too much time to kill. It's not neccessary though.
I hear you, those first couple of phrases are probably a little more outside the lines than the rest of it.
I have a real thing for pushing the harmony as far as I can, it's the only thing that really keeps guitar playing very interesting to me.

But yeah, I didn't just think you were being nice. :p I know that my style can be pretty out there and not for everybody, that's why I posted that. It wasn't based on your response.

I'm looking forward to hearing some different approaches.
Take a listen to this and let me know what you think. It's not a style that I typically solo over, but it was fun to put together.

BTW---I have "drittsekk" as a bandname on there for all of my stuff that I use Soundclick for...just so you don't take it personally. :)

Haha I don't even know what drittsekk is so... can't be offended :D

Wow dude, cool solo! Pretty mixed... started off like a bit mystical and that diminished thing really fitted in a cool way, wasn't expecting that :D Then when the 6/8 part came it sort of got some old school heavy metal feel, pretty sweet :D It's cool that you layered the solo too, great thinking! Also nice initiative to extend the solo beyond what I had written, it definately didn't sound bad to do so.

Great job man, was great fun to hear. Looking forward to hearing Marcus' solo if he's making one, and also ShreddyMarz's solo... then there is the final question: How the hell do decide ¯\(O_o)/¯ ?
ah. "drittsekk" is Norwegian for "sack of shit". I didn't know if that carried into Swedish or not. I know that when Swedes say their word for "shit", it sounds like they're about to start whistling (to me).

Glad you liked it!
Hahaha oh, didn't even consider it being norwegian... now it makes a little more sense but I still wouldn't have guessed it. Drittsekk is just very... unusual, I've never heard it in Sweden before.

I don't even know if Norwegians use it that much anymore. It's basically the same sort of thing as calling somebody a douchebag.

I just checked my recording of the solo, and somehow I had wound up deleting the DIs, so what's left is the distorted tracks. Let me know if you want me to re-record it.
I don't even know if Norwegians use it that much anymore. It's basically the same sort of thing as calling somebody a douchebag.

I just checked my recording of the solo, and somehow I had wound up deleting the DIs, so what's left is the distorted tracks. Let me know if you want me to re-record it.

Haha I recognize that... I have accidentally a whole song on my computer once :)

Anyways, I like your solo, it's 100 times better than what I'd be able to pull off! Unfortunately, I've got so much other stuff to do right now that I've put my own project on hold so... I'll make sure to let you know when the time comes (if it comes at all).

Also, ShreddyMarz is sort of interested to do basically all solos for all songs so we'll see how this all turns out... in the future!