Thanks a ton dudes, I really appreciate it! (especially from Zack) Felix and Joe, I really dig Evergrey, and Tom/Henrik's styles, though I wouldn't say they're a primary influence on my soloing (at least not consciously), cuz they can often feel just a bit too improvised/all over the place for me, whereas I go for the totally preconceived almost melody-like solo'ing (a la Petrucci, Per Nilsson, Peter Wichers, Alexi, Jani Liimatainen, my biggest 5 I'd say). They do have some great ideas though, to be sure!
...In my opinion a good vibrato is extremely important for any kind of solo. It's amazing how many guitarists I've heard that totally disregard the need for a good vibrato, instead they try to show off with fast picking and arpeggios. And more often than not they don't even get that right.
Primary you sound like "Marcus Hedwig". You have your own unique style of playing. At some short moments it reminds me a very smaaaall bit of Evergrey..(especially the first lick), but I think each guitarist uses a bit of other guitarist´s probably Tom or Henrik have some petrucci influences. What´s the deal? Important is..YOUR SOLO FUCKING ROCKSAnd you stealed me the show
Thanks so much Felix, it's definitely pretty much the biggest compliment to be told you have your own style (and that it can be perceived), so it means a lot, especially coming from a guy with chops like yours!
Everyone else, thanks to you guys as well, and Kimon, you have NO idea how much I agree with you about vibrato being so underappreciated (and underdeveloped) in a lot of guitarists; tons of them have what I call the "angry bee" vibrato (a rapid, uncontrolled buzzing, see ALEX LIFESONyou knew I had to bring him into this Mark
) or they don't return to pitch after each bend so it sounds perpetually sharp, yeesh - definitely something I've worked on, so I appreciate the mention of it!
...see ALEX LIFESONyou knew I had to bring him into this Mark
Thanks so much Felix, it's definitely pretty much the biggest compliment to be told you have your own style (and that it can be perceived), so it means a lot, especially coming from a guy with chops like yours!![]()