80's metal solo goodness - with Metaltastic

Wow, thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate the feedback! (and Mark, thanks for the props and public post, cuz you're right, I definitely wanted to show it off, and you should too! :D) As will come as no surprise, I think mine could come up a bit (or at least automated in certain spots), but otherwise perfect! Thanks again for the opportunity to contribute, and Notuern, I'm looking forward to hearing yours dude! (come on, chop chop! :heh: )

I'll check out the automation idea/level. I literally just downloaded your file and pasted it in last night when I got home. As far as Noutern...hell...I've been so fixated on that rhythm tone that I haven't even started tracking the song he'll play on yet. Oops! LOL That song is completely original though, instead of borrowing heavily from some song (like this one).

The song rocks. I can hear the Don Dokken influence. His solo CD is one of my favorites. I recorded a cover of When Love Finds A Fool last year. It is not one of my favorite mixes, but it is ok. I tried to get the sounds of Billy White and John Norum on my Podxt. If you like the tones I can post the patches. I believe I used the JCM800 model on one of them. Link in my sig.

Thanks for the offer of the patches, but my POD is a 2.0...not an XT. I was doing a little more tweaking when I got home from work, and I think I'm reaaaaally close now, just using WagnerSharp. By the way, nice cover. It's really hard to recreate that frantic energy of Billy White. A really under rated guitarist! (and one of my favorites)

Is that you singing as well?
Perhaps a new mix with my solo up in volume soon to come Mark? :D

And thanks so much for the compliments guys, I really worked hard on the note choice for my solo (and I'm sure Mark did to), so it means a lot to get such awesome feedback!
Okay Marcus...finished taxes. Thanks to my overly, thoroughly organized computer programming whiz of a wife with a long background in Access. God bless her. :D I have to do a few things, but I'll try to run off the same clip with your solo louder before I go to bed.

And thanks Bob!