Goddamn, Metaltastic, Shred, Oliver, Keregioz, Viking, Felix & Lasse proudly present:

I used SoloC, Boogex (with the Redwire Mesa 4x12 TAB 57 Cap 1" impulse), HP/LP and a couple of small notches in ReaEQ, a bit of compression, and then PodFarm for delay - nothing too crazy!

But the result sounded great :kickass:

I think, the only guys recorded with real amps were Goddamn & Azistenostora (both Engl) correct me when I´m wrong, dudes! :)
Totally dig the Song, its pretty cool to have all these different styles in one song.
I couldn't tell which solo I like the most, cause everything is in the right spot an they complement each other perfectly.

Thanks for that, enjoyed it:)

Nice job, folks. That tune sounds really good - nice programming, solo's and tones are really well done.
Hope to hear more from y'all!
Keep it up!

You did great job all of you guys!!!! Nice song and great solos that really fit the music!!!!
We want more!!!

And you´ll get more! I started yesterday tracking the third song. Can´t wait to post some first clips with vocals :)

You know I'm a big fan of your playing (as well as the other guys) because of this!

@Kaomao, thanks a lot! :kickass: I also dig your Death Metal enormously.

Nice job, folks. That tune sounds really good - nice programming, solo's and tones are really well done.
Hope to hear more from y'all!
Keep it up!

Thanks Scott! :) Yeah, we´ll keep you guys updated about the project!