Felix, Metaltastic, Keregioz & The Shred - SOLO BATTLE!!!

Felix, let me say to you once again that you did a really good job with this song and it's was an honor to contribute a solo along with these excellent guitarists.

Marcus, I don't know if I'm hearing an updated version but to me the level of your solo compared to Felix's sounds fine. James's solo on the other hand sounds kinda buried in the mix compared to mine.
Nice! I like the fact that whilst being quite different one from another, all the leads fit together very well.
Really awesome solos guys and sounds like a killer song. The ONLY thing I have to pick on is that Felix and James' solos both start out with the same note rhythms, but that might be different now that James is uploading a new version. If so, ignore that comment.
These solos are sick and on top of that, the whole composition is interesting, awesome stuff guys!:kickass:
Thanks so much, my fellow sneapsters :) I let you know, when the entire song is finished (It´s not mastered yet).


I want in on some part of this ... I'm not a blazing fast shred shred shred solo player or anything but if you have an opening on a future song for this project, please keep me in mind for a small part.

Prost! and AWESOME work to all of you guys so far :kickass:
To all Sneapsters, who wrote here..THANK YOU VERY MUCH :kickass: I raise my tankard for you! And Marcus, Keregioz and James..it´s great to have your solos for my song :)


I want in on some part of this ... I'm not a blazing fast shred shred shred solo player or anything but if you have an opening on a future song for this project, please keep me in mind for a small part.

Prost! and AWESOME work to all of you guys so far

Yeah dude, let´s see..so far I didn´t begin to work on the second song (except some stuff I discarded), but I keep you in mind :) This will be a long time project without deadline and pressure. Stephen King wrote about 30 years for the dark tower, this is a pretty good scale :lol: