Stephen King´s "The Dark Tower" - The journey begins!

Haha, thanks dude, AND AT LEAST IT WAS IN TUNE GODAMMIT :lol: (my fingers are definitely recuperating today :D)

Ah yes...I understand completely how that is...recording solos is always distressing for my fingers, because or the bends mostly. The worst for me is tapping though, I don't really do that much tapping and my middle finger on my left hand (I'm lefthanded) is not used to it. Whenever I have to record or practice something which involves tapping I always get blisters which need a lot of days to heal. Since I changed string gauge it's been easier though.
What gauge strings did you use btw?
Yeah, doing those bends over and over and over for take after take definitely got a bit tiring, and also, for some reason my guitar has been having a really hard time holding a tune recently, at least on the top two strings - bends almost invariably make them go flat, and when I tune them back up it does nothing for a bit and then that "plink" sound as the string pops through the nut. I know getting the nut grooves widened (I use 12-16-22w-32-44-56 in C-standard, btw) and/or getting lubricant would help, I just need to get around to it! :( (and it's only now become a problem). Also, I too very rarely tap, though even more rarely than you I guess, because I can't ever remember a time my finger hurt from doing it too much :lol:

And Maamar, reading over my MSN history shows me that you IM'ed me exactly one time (two messages) :D But since I always leave MSN on (just with my status set to away), I probably wasn't at the computer at the time - next time you're on though, try me again, and if I'm around I almost always respond! :)
Also, I too very rarely tap, though even more rarely than you I guess, because I can't ever remember a time my finger hurt from doing it too much :lol:

Really? I would assume that you'd tap at least a little, with you being a huge Per Nilsson fan and all...
I gave tapping arpeggios a try because of him...but I failed miserably...:lol:
Does Per tap a lot? As you've perhaps noticed, I'm hardly a "shredder", so when just listening to stuff I can rarely tell when arps are swept, tapped, string-skipped, etc. - just a massive note explosion my feeble mind can't handle! :lol:
Does Per tap a lot? As you've perhaps noticed, I'm hardly a "shredder", so when just listening to stuff I can rarely tell when arps are swept, tapped, string-skipped, etc. - just a massive note explosion my feeble mind can't handle! :lol:

Well, I'm not an expert either and I haven't actually seen him play but I think a lot of the stuff he plays are tapped...that's one reason his arpeggios sound so smooth.
Except snare it sounds good till change at 3:50. Guitars are with no problems and I like synths. Bass is ok, but it sounds a bit thin, with some empty spaces in its tone. And it does not have enough pressure in the lowend. Snare is really bad and it need to be replaced. To this song you need something natural sounding, not the gunshot mixed with clap. From 3:50 the mix becomes very closed and it lost the drive. Imho it is because electric guitars has to much bass and lacks mids and some sparkle. And they are a bit flat - the tone.. well I don't know, it sounds more like some vst more than miked real amp? The song and its composition is very good imho.

I don't write a lot of superlatives, but even you wrote, that you were not satisfied with your mix. So this is what I hear. But don't take me wrong, it is definitelly not bad;)
Except snare it sounds good till change at 3:50. Guitars are with no problems and I like synths. Bass is ok, but it sounds a bit thin, with some empty spaces in its tone. And it does not have enough pressure in the lowend. Snare is really bad and it need to be replaced. To this song you need something natural sounding, not the gunshot mixed with clap. From 3:50 the mix becomes very closed and it lost the drive. Imho it is because electric guitars has to much bass and lacks mids and some sparkle. And they are a bit flat - the tone.. well I don't know, it sounds more like some vst more than miked real amp? The song and its composition is very good imho.

I don't write a lot of superlatives, but even you wrote, that you were not satisfied with your mix. So this is what I hear. But don't take me wrong, it is definitelly not bad;)

Hey Martin, thanks for your constructive critics! You wrote about things, I also have some headache about. I´m not very excited about the part beginning at 3:50. But this will be fixed/ maybe re-recorded.

I don't write a lot of superlatives

That wouldn´t improve my mix, so this is pretty okay, dude :) Thanks for your time!
It sounds great dude!
And i think the snare fits it very well, it puts some strength in to the song. :)