Stephen King´s "The Dark Tower" - The journey begins!

Loving it dude, HEAVY Per Nilsson vibes, especially that first fast descending lick ("Retaliator" solo comes to mind :D) But hey, if you're gonna make a tribute to anyone, I can't think of a better choice, and the rest of it totally has your own unique voice, so bravo! :rock:
Loving it dude, HEAVY Per Nilsson vibes, especially that first fast descending lick ("Retaliator" solo comes to mind :D) But hey, if you're gonna make a tribute to anyone, I can't think of a better choice, and the rest of it totally has your own unique voice, so bravo! :rock:

I´m fucking corious about your solo, Marcus :kickass: And on Gavin´s contribution. Tomorrow I will start recording vocals. I keep you updated, dudes.
What can I say..your solo is awesome, dude :kickass:

Loving it dude, HEAVY Per Nilsson vibes, especially that first fast descending lick ("Retaliator" solo comes to mind :D) But hey, if you're gonna make a tribute to anyone, I can't think of a better choice, and the rest of it totally has your own unique voice, so bravo! :rock:

Thanks guys!

Marcus, I'm not sure about this specific solo but it's true that I started listening to Scar Symmetry a few months ago and Per made quite an impact on me. He is one of the main reasons I decided to change to a lower gauge strings after several years of playing with thicker strings (I went from 10-52 to 09-46). This is the first solo I did with the 09-46 set that's why I went a little overboard with all the bending and legato. If I had tried to record this solo with my previous strings my fingers would have bled :).
Nah dude, I fucking love the bending and legato, and yeah, in terms of string guage there's definitely a balance that has to be struck between full tone and ease of playability! However, listen to the lick starting at 2:15 (you even start on the same note, at least relative to the key :D)

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My Solo sounds a bit like Dave Murray and Slash (like Joe said)..hehe it´s difficult to hide the influences build up from decades :) This is pretty normal, I think. I really love Keregioz´s Solo!
Well Felix...the best compliment I can give you is...I actually just got "goosebumps" listening to this. That only happens to me when a song REALLY moves me on some level. So take that as a sincere compliment. Great job! Great solos too (both you and Kimon)! And I definitely hear the Dave Murray influence. ;)
Well Felix...the best compliment I can give you is...I actually just got "goosebumps" listening to this. That only happens to me when a song REALLY moves me on some level. So take that as a sincere compliment. Great job! Great solos too (both you and Kimon)! And I definitely hear the Dave Murray influence. ;)

Man, I´m flattered :) This is fucking great to hear! Thank you very, very much!

I think, it´s a good start for my concept album project. I really need a good name for the Project/Band though. This will be not too easy to find.
Hey Felix, I've had a lot going on these past few days, but I promise I'll get to work on my solo today, as well as check out your other thread with vocals! :)
Hey Felix, I've had a lot going on these past few days, but I promise I'll get to work on my solo today, as well as check out your other thread with vocals! :)

I hear ya, Marcus :rock: No problem, I WOULD like to finish it the end of the week, but this is absolutely no "MUST". The most important thing is fun, and hope you have some, when you record the solo :) I recommend to use the new updated version to record with/play along.

Cheeeeers :kickass:
Felix... Felix... Felix...

What can I say... if you keep up that quality level throughout the whole project, you should really consider sending this to some labels. Yeah, I think it's THAT good mate! :)
Hey man very nice singing and I like how the acoustic guitar sounds though I would try to tame it a bit, dynamically. Good work!
Felix... Felix... Felix...

What can I say... if you keep up that quality level throughout the whole project, you should really consider sending this to some labels. Yeah, I think it's THAT good mate! :)

Heeeey :kickass: Fuck you actually think so? This makes me very happy, dude :Smokin: Thank you very much, indeed!

Hey man very nice singing and I like how the acoustic guitar sounds though I would try to tame it a bit, dynamically. Good work!

Thanks dude :) I dig your new stuff as well. Pure fucking metal!