Stephen King´s "The Dark Tower" - The journey begins!

That sounds amazing, man, good job! Can you give us the recordings details?
Felix, it sounds really good, except the snare from the bottomless pit. ;)

A Mellotron is actually the very first sampler ever made. It had one 8-sec tape loop for each key. To change sound, you'd have to exchange the huge "tape loop holder" and put another one in. The flute on Beatles "Yesterday" is anotehr good example. /History lesson

Maybe it would be cool to have some "old sounds" in the song?
Felix, it sounds really good, except the snare from the bottomless pit. ;)

A Mellotron is actually the very first sampler ever made. It had one 8-sec tape loop for each key. To change sound, you'd have to exchange the huge "tape loop holder" and put another one in. The flute on Beatles "Yesterday" is anotehr good example. /History lesson

Maybe it would be cool to have some "old sounds" in the song?

Haha yeah, thanks for the History Lesson, dude :) I hear ya. I also thought about some old sounds like some typical "saloon piano" :) This would fit to the western atmosphere.

Important for me is: Making the old elements sound kind of unreal, strange. I think, this should be one of the goals to reach this certain atmosphere.
So far this is absolutely great. Weird timing too - I just picked up The Stand again - considering reading The Dark Tower series after I plow through this.
hahahah I feel like a douche. Im a bit late on this thread, but what your doing so far sounds great. As for the heavy thing, I was listening to your myspace right as this song ended so it ended and then something heavy and melodic started. I think it was the Dandelium song hahaha. Sounded like it could of all been the same song hahaha, hell I didn't even notice.

Sounds killer. You could really do some heavy darker stuff towards the end of the series if you wanted to.
Pretty cool stuff. I am picturing it very nicely with the gunslinger story. That heavy part in the end comes out of knowwhere but it works.

Are those real drums?

Thank you man :) The drums are "semi natural" I programmed the kick and the snare (with own samples) and the cymbals I played and recorded live afterwards. I didn´t work often like this, but I recognized for me, I like it this way.
The only gripe I have with this whole thing at all is a slight boominess in the acoustics... I may suspect 120hz.

Absolutely dude, you´re right. It´s somewhere in the middle of 120 and 140. I already killed the frequence..(just working on the mix, tamed the snare & repaired some tuning issues) It´s a lot better now. Can´t wait to post it!

Btw lolzreg you asked me in which area in New York I´ve been. Unfortunately I didn´t read it, while I was there (in Midtown)..fucking expensive area, but it was great :) Where you from?