JVM205 versus V-amp pro ---SOLO BATTLE!!

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hey Dudes :)

I´m just workin´ on this solo section. Maybe it´s interesting how the (often bashed) behringer v-amp pro ´19 sounds on this. I really can recommand this blue thing. It´s pretty cool and I often use it in combination with 2 amp recorded tracks.

I think you will hear anyway, when wich amp sound..but the first 2 solos are Marshall JVM205 and the 4 small solos at the end are v-amp pro. I used a Ibanez s-series 7 string. Tell me what you think about it. Tipps and opinions about the mix/master are always welcome.

Here we go: Lead solo Battle !


Mix sounds cool apart from the snare sounding too boxy, needs a bit more snap I feel. And I love the JVM lead sound man, it just has that classic 80's marshall tone to it, I'd redo all the leads with that!
Sounds great Felix - I naturally prefer the JVM! The vamp tone has a cool smoothness to it though. I would probably use that tone for more of a fusion sound. I'm also loving the bass tone; what did you use for it?

I agree on the snare being a bit too boxy, but more importantly I think it's just a bit too loud. Cool stuff though Felix! I honestly have a bit of a hard time hearing much of a difference between the lead tones because I feel they're too low in the mix, but I feel the V-amp is a bit fuller, while I prefer the character of the Marshall, though it's just too thin for my tastes (more mids! ;)) Maybe re-upload it with a boost around 1k for the Marshall leads and turning all of them up in volume a bit?
Thank you very much, dudes :)

Mix sounds cool apart from the snare sounding too boxy, needs a bit more snap I feel. And I love the JVM lead sound man, it just has that classic 80's marshall tone to it, I'd redo all the leads with that!

Yeah, I´m glad you say that. I also like the marshall sound a bit more. I hope I get the solos of the Vamp track played again like this..it was total spontaneously and completely unscripted :) I would love it to let my guitar cry a little bit like Brian May´s..aaargh I´m not a great Queen fan, but damn...how I get this fuckin´May sound ?? Maybe a little bit chorus on it?

Sounds great Felix - I naturally prefer the JVM! The vamp tone has a cool smoothness to it though. I would probably use that tone for more of a fusion sound. I'm also loving the bass tone; what did you use for it?


Hey Joe :) Thank you very much! I´m workin with an Ibanez Bass, plugged in the v-amp with light compression. I only used an equalizer as a vst.

I agree on the snare being a bit too boxy, but more importantly I think it's just a bit too loud. Cool stuff though Felix! I honestly have a bit of a hard time hearing much of a difference between the lead tones because I feel they're too low in the mix, but I feel the V-amp is a bit fuller, while I prefer the character of the Marshall, though it's just too thin for my tastes (more mids! ) Maybe re-upload it with a boost around 1k for the Marshall leads and turning all of them up in volume a bit?

Okay..persuaded :) You are right, dudes..sometimes you need to hear some opinions of guys with good and fresh ears. That can be pure gold in some cases. I made so fuckin much music in the last time, that I absolutely need some holiday..I think you know that. It´s not often, but sometimes you need an ear cure. I even mute the music in Videogames :) Thanks again for your help, Marcus, Joe and cobhc!
I like the JVM ( first 2 ) solo tones better too. Great fucking tune BTW. I live that quasi-atonal lick they got in there too. Like the bass sound a lot. Like that snare too.

Only thing I kinda don't like is there's a high-end fizz/crackle that I'm guessing comes from the guitars? Anyone else hear that or am I just that MetallyGuitarded? I hear it on a lot of tracks posted here though so I figured it's just a high gain thing.
I like the JVM ( first 2 ) solo tones better too. Great fucking tune BTW. I live that quasi-atonal lick they got in there too. Like the bass sound a lot. Like that snare too.

Only thing I kinda don't like is there's a high-end fizz/crackle that I'm guessing comes from the guitars? Anyone else hear that or am I just that MetallyGuitarded? I hear it on a lot of tracks posted here though so I figured it's just a high gain thing.

Thank you very, very much :kickass: I appreciate it, that you found time to listen to my stuff, man. Hmmm I think, I know, what you mean..it´s so fuckin´difficult to regular the high-ends perfectly. That´s why I often give my stuff to those, who has 20 years more mastering experience than I :)