Alright, now that I have a moment to sit down and listen to this again, I want to go through and give props to each and every one of the players
-Ola, I really love your solo dude; as I recall, you (like me) are a pretty big Pain of Salvation fan, and I definitely hear the influence, and freakin' love it, great licks and phrasing

-Me, well, you know

-Oliver, awesome legato and whammy dips dude, really tasteful, and I dig the wah use as well

-Carlos, as I mentioned, really tasteful and creative playing, with the harmony coming in and out - also, a great, chimey clean tone, well done!
-Felix, personally I think your solo is the best; the best word I can think of to describe the one-two punch of those opening machine-gun licks followed by the Vai-esque harmonized part, is "bombastic"

-James, normally I'm not a fan of the sorta chaotic diminished dissonance, but man, there is no type of lick that could have fit any better in that part, which is the highest praise I can give

-Kimon, you never fail to impress and amaze dude
And I think overall what really impresses me is just how perfectly they all complement each other!