Goddamn, Metaltastic, Shred, Oliver, Keregioz, Viking, Felix & Lasse proudly present:

Yeah definitely mean that.

All the solos were great, but i found my interest really sparking up towards the end as the last few came up.

Towards the end of the track there should be something dramatic, I thought. Kind of dramatically increase. I really dig The_Shreds crazy diminished lick, too. Ahhh it´s nearly impossible to emphasize all the different contributions. I love all :)
Thanks dude - as I mentioned in the original thread about this, I wanted to keep Felix' original melody somewhat intact (from when he was planning on making it a "song" :D), so I did a sort of theme and variation thing, glad you dig it! :)
Haha, thanks dude! :) And btw, I really dig your clean solo Carlos, very creative, and fits perfectly IMO! :rock:

Indeed! +1000

And please don´t forget Oliver (Azistenostora). He is technically NOT FROM THIS EARTH! :notworthy

Mind you, the most difficult job had Ola with the intro solo. It wasn´t easy to play something that fits how it is. There is a high level of feeling and love in his solo :)

Okay..this IS a "licking each others ass" thread. We should stop this immediately :lol:
The epic part still gets me EVERY TIME felix.
great soli, congrats guys
and you wanted it in the trash felix....tstststs.... ; )
The epic part still gets me EVERY TIME felix.
great soli, congrats guys
and you wanted it in the trash felix....tstststs.... ; )

Thank you very much, Mago :kickass:

Haha yeah I wanted to throw it in the trash once, because I didn´t like my vocals on that tune. The saving idea was the plan to do an instrumental out of the material.

FUCK YEAS!!! That's some ridiculously good stuff there. And incredible playing, too! I'm actually waiting for this album more than any other at the moment!

@Jarkko, I´m really glad you think so!! :rock: Thank you very much for the compliments!
I am a small midget donkey and I approve this song in everyway. Paid for by the Coalition for the Advancement of Midget Animals.