Need your opinio on this one...


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
I'm going to record the first band ever in my life very soon. Because we don't have much time we're going to doubletrack the guitars (Di, Gearbox) and want to reamp it later (maybe..:))

I always thought my guitars sound too thin when I do doubletracking. I was playing around today, please check that short clip (13) and tell me if you think these guitars are at least okay for a demo.

Guitars are Gearbox Big Bottom with GH impulses and a lot of Eq, high/lowpass, and I tried some psp vintage warmer on it.
With fizzy and thin I didn't mean LOG... hope you got that right :)

yeah, it really needs a bass... I'm so lazy :-D

Oh, yeah, I caught it man. Like I said, in regards to yours, I think that it just needs a Bass track. Something slightly overdriven and punchy. MXR M-80 or SansAmp BDDI style.
my possibilitys are sansamp para driver pedal, ampeg plugin and DI track. thats the way I recorded the bass of my band but I wasn't too satisfied. any hints for the sansamp? I have not very much experience with it.
The Para-driver is actually different than the BDDI - I'm not sure how much in terms of tone, but I know its input impedance is 4.7 mOhm cuz its designed primarily for piezo pickups, rather that the 1.0 mOhm impedance on the BDDI. Point being, settings from one might not work for the other, but it's worth a try. Emd, I'll listen when I get home, but how come you did the guitars direct? Did you figure out the V30 wiring situation in your Rev cab yet, and was there any harm done?
Î completely rewired my cab, it's okay now. But I have to send in my amp because I think it took damage. I have warranty left so this is the best option. The Rev seems to have problems with the low end now. It's like... stuttering some times, especially palm mutes. It was way worse and got better but it's still there. I thought it could have been the speakers or something but we tested it with our second guitarists amp and everything was okay. We also checked my Rev on a Engl 4x12 standard cab and it had the same problem.

I never actually miced a cab. That's why I do it that way. I have no possibility to crank my Krank (muaha...) here anyway. My neighbours fucking hate me allready.
Haha, I can relate to the neighbors issue having lived in NYC for awhile, but you should record your DI's and try reamping 'em through your amp (when you get it back) and cab; never too late to start trying to mic it up, and I really wanna hear how it sounds! :rock: If your amp got damaged by plugging it into the cab, I fear it might've been because the cab was too low impedance and the amp was putting out too much power for it to absorb, causing output transformer problems :ill: But I'm no tech, so what do I know!

As for the song now, I dig it, though I think the drums are way too loud as a whole - they're programmed, I assume, cuz they sound great! Also, I agree the tone is a bit thin; not fizzy, just thin, and while bass will help, I still like guitar tones with a bit more fullness to 'em. Also, while it may not be fizzy, cutting back some of the high-mids might help; it's a little ear-fatiguing, but I can't hear much pitch. A great start though man!
Yeah it was connected to the cab and it was wired completely wrong so the impedance was wrong. Anyway I stoped being to angry about something like that. Only thing I hate is that I have to wait 3 weeks until I will get it back :(

How do you get the beef into the guitars? Any hint? I already boosted some lows but as you can hear it's still a bit thin. On the other hand I think it makes the guitars very defined.

Yeah the drums are programmed. I'm not going to record a acoustic drum ever in my life. I don't have the money for mics and no rooms for it. Would love to mic up my krank. as soon as I have the possibility I will let you know. I allready did it with impulses.
As far as guitar goes you've got your options open. Multiband Compressor (Andy Sneap's are always a favorite), quad-tracking creates a different stereo image that can beef things up and a 10 band EQ could fatten it up nicely if you're careful.

This on a krank would be sweet. . .now we gotta wait :P