My latest mix!


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
We're in the middle of pre"production" of our EP that we're planing to release this year. This is the last song we're still writing on. Give it a shot.

Drums are AD Drums, Guitars are Gearbox (Big Bottom) with GH Sneap Edge Impulse, Bass ( has two strings on it and hums like a fridge :heh:) is gearbox with Ampeg 8x10 impulse and Di-Signal.

Sorry for my sloppy playing in the solo.
thanks! the sound won't change too much while recording because I will do it. We'll re-record all the guitars so they're totally tight in every spot. The guitars are allready quadtracked on that track but are a bit sloppy here and there. I'm still not sure what else I can do to the solo-guitars. They sound thin in my opinion. Also the bassguitar never sits well in my mixes. Either it's too boomy or too thin. I'm never sure how much I should turn it up. If it should be recognizable as a solointrument or if it should be working more in the background like in the lates BDM.
haha thanks :) I wouldn't call myself a good gutiarist anyway. Not when it comes to fast stuff (as you can hear in the solo) :)
It's still preproduction. I did all the programming for writing purpose. Our drummer will redo all the velocity levels and the fills/beats. I think it sounds kinda okay though (for the fact I have no drumming skills at all).

A bit more in depth comment would be helpfull.
Also the bassguitar never sits well in my mixes. Either it's too boomy or too thin. I'm never sure how much I should turn it up. If it should be recognizable as a solointrument or if it should be working more in the background like in the lates BDM.

Guitars are good for this style. Don't like the rest so much though (cheapo bass + "roughly" programmed drums, uh ?)

I have to agree that the bass just isn't "there", yet. But then again, I'm listening through crappy headphones at work right now. But personally (and this is purely subjective) I'd thin out the bottom end just a little. Then turn up somewhere in the 600-800Hz range to get more growl to it. Or dup the track, roll off the highs/high mids on one track, then run the other through distortion and mix the two. Just to make it work better with the guitars. But like I said, it's a matter of personal taste, and I'm listening on crappy headphones at the moment and may be way off. Bass seems to be one of the harder things to get right, and I think we all struggle with it from time to time.
Thanks, yeah... the bass really still sucks. Do you guys prefer a clean or a more growly slightly overdriven bass? All the bottom you can hear comes from that stupid bass :-D I can't hear it too good through my monitors and I don't have subwoofer.
I really like the bass to have a bit of a growl, but also a solid bottom end. Of course it depends on the context of the song, but that's my favorite type of sound.