Negligent Collateral Collapse - Parnormal Nanodivision

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Negligent Collateral Collapse - Paranormal Nanodivision
Obscene Productions – 2004
By Adam McAuley


The first thing that will strike you when listening to Paranormal Nanodivision is the vocals, which sound much like something that would come from the mouth of a pig. This may sound annoying, and that is indeed the case, as the strange indecipherable emanations mar an experience that isn’t particularly compelling in the first place. But aside from this, the ensemble play decent grind that involves lots of blasting, some nods to thrash and very little variation.

Not being a huge follower of the genre, the band do very little for me. I could fathom, however, that people that like the style would enjoy this, as, perhaps, would extreme brutal death metal fans used to constant barbarity (which sometimes takes the place of musicality). Paranormal Nanodivision starts off with a flurry of straightforward aggression, and NCC stick to the same formula most of the way through, but begin to throw in a few interesting riffs here and there as the album progresses. Track 6, “Second Implant”, begins with a creepy spacey sounding riff and becomes a sludgy mid-paced song, one of the better ones on here. Also of note is the use of Slayer’s “Raining Blood” riff at the end of the album. All instruments are played fairly well, it’s just that it’s hard to get past the feeling of mediocrity that this release inspires. And the disgusting vocals also prevent a really serious listen because they’re far more distracting than effective.

Still, it’s a decent piece of work that would be far more appreciated by fans of grind than anyone else. Not a terrible album by any means, but not a great one either.


Official Obscene Productions website