NEGURA BUNGET ... US and Canadian Tour 2012

btw ... (bare with me for my 2 days of NB fandom) ... that latest EP they have ... Poarta De Dincolo ... haven't heard anything from it until they played
the title track last night. Wanted to buy it from Negru but he didn't have any copies ...

just downloaded it and it smokes old school way ...
I think this review says it all ...

you OM worshipers really need to get this :kickass:
the sound was amazing ... considering they got off the plane and onto the stage with no soundcheck ... nada ... amazing.

i even gave props to the in-house sound guy after the show.

i think i am over the drama part ... this band is legit and I see why Negru did what he had to do.
dude in NY they played in the back room of a typical bar/restaurant ... sound and place was killer though once the wtf effect wore off passing through diners to get to the "venue"
Aurel, how many songs did they play from OM? I absolutely adore that album, and may be available to see them afterall. Give me a reason to suffer hellacious I-5 traffic during a Friday.
they ONLY cover stuff from OM and Virstele Pamintului + 1 song from EP and 1 song from Zirnindu-sa

pretty short set song wise (although that might have been only in NYC becase they went from INS to stage)

trust me go ... the stuff sounds magical live.
It may have been similar to that in Toronto. I didn't attempt to count but the decently sized small club was packed and people were loving every second! I was honestly floored to see such a strong turnout considering the reputation this city has for poor attendance.

Wolven Ancestry set the stage for NB with a very strong set, but Negura Bunget was without peer, every bit as great as one could have hoped. They tore through their set with a rare intensity and stage presence... the singer is something else!! The inclusion of a number of atypical instruments really rounded out the sound and took the set to the next level.

I am kind of bummed that the NB shirts sold out in XL before I got to them, and the hoodie had sleeves which were too short by 6'' even in XXL.