NEGURA BUNGET ... US and Canadian Tour 2012

XL made in Europe is like medium here. Most euro bands don't make much XL stuff as fans in Europe are mostly Erik like.
They should have brought over 80% XL and larger to this NA tour.
after a swim in San Diego ... :loco: ...

btw ... (bare with me for my 2 days of NB fandom) ... that latest EP they have ... Poarta De Dincolo ... haven't heard anything from it until they played
the title track last night. Wanted to buy it from Negru but he didn't have any copies ...

just downloaded it and it smokes old school way ...
I think this review says it all ...

you OM worshipers really need to get this :kickass:

:popcorn: Will check it tmrw.
yeah, the title track from the EP is quite "different" for NB ... a bit more of a straightforward riff based affair.
Holy fuck they played Malone's?! I've done like 20 gigs at that shithole. Not the worst place I've played (they actually have a fridge for their beer), but still pretty bad.

Jerry and Mike, did you go? Dammit now I'm kinda bummed I missed it. Oh well. Negru still owes me $40 anyhow. :loco:
Dude I work with commutes from Whittier 5 days a week. I couldn't do that, that shit would kill me.
One of the great advantages of working graveyard bruh. Sadly, I'm getting to the point where I feel too damn withered to handle boozing and banging at a gig for 4 hours. The whole ordeal is really taxing on the body. Ugh
nice report ... i hope you at least had some good food in the big cities like NY, SF, etc ...

lo l@ "obsession with ice"
the food thing was quite unexpected... we are used eating almost anything, but after a while we all wanted to get some decent quality stuff, which was quite hard to find, especially being on tour (so no time to search for something and go there precisely). we went quite a lot to Dany's or IHOP's, which were decent but pricey also.

that ice this was quite obsessing indeed... first thing when checking in at a hotel or motel they inform you where the ice dispersers are located... ?!!?

I know, mr. Oq is one of a kind... :)
hahaha ice is very important, we amuricans like our drinks COLD!

and just like with the food i dont think you guys had the proper time to get educated about the right beers. you cant try Bud, Miller, and PBR and declare that american beer sucks! there are hundreds, maybe thousands of great micro-breweries across america, but if you dont know where to find them, you'll never try them. your typical dive bar/metal venue doesnt usually have a good selection on tap, maybe 1-2 quality beers and the rest mass-market garbage. also dennys and ihop are only about a half step above fast food, and i would honestly rather eat at Taco Bell haha. BUT i must agree that it would be pretty damn hard to find cheap AND healthy AND tasty food when you have just rolled into town. that kind of stuff is usually thai or vietnamese, usually vegetarian, and about 3/4 of them are usually terrible as well.

who said being a stranger in a strange land was easy
yeah, if you are in a new town for half a day and want to play it safe food wise it's best to stick to what you know (namely fast food or the typical chains you mentioned) ... unless someone recommends something to you.
next time use social media and fans to your advantage and pre-plan few days before hitting a new town :)

Middle America is a "special" place.

what was your favorite region of the States btw?
Yeah, of course I was not talking about the small breweries, which I'm sure some make some fine stuff. It was just an overall view, popular brands we were served with most of the time vs similar European ones (and not Romanian ones, which are better than most European). That's of course a theoretical talk from my side, as I don't drink beer. I was more shocked to see the only good quality chocolate largely available in the US was Lindt from Switzerland.

We learned a lot for sure, so if we were to come back, we'll be well prepared for some of the unusual aspects. But overall, I was expecting things to be worse... he he. A lot of bands complain on how hard is to tour US. For us it was not bad at all!
We had some really cool times in unexpected places... Arizona, San Diego, San Antonio... but San Francisco was amazing.