Negura Bunget - Zirnindu-sa MC (Bestial 001)

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
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Is it, by any chance, rare or out of print? It's the Bestial Records 001 version. I'm up for a trade if anyone's interested.
Marksveld said:
uh... ill give you a noltem demo for it :Spin:

It's not that I want to get rid of it because I dislike it or anything, I'm just up for a trade if it's actually quite rare and if some of the Negura fanboys are willing to give me something pretty good in return. I'm afraid I'll have to decline your generous offer :p
fotmbm said:
Why doesn't your tape have any kool print on it?

Don't know, I think it's pretty strange. I bought it at the Windir gig back in September, from a pretty respected record stand at the venue, so I don't think they've tried to rip me off (intentionally, at least). That's a pretty cool collection of tapes you've got there, post more pics plz. I hereby dub this thread the "Post pics of cool CDs/LPs/7''/Tapes in your collection".

Erik: Right, thanks.
Maximum respect and mad props for the Thule "Omfavnet Av Svarte Vinger" (I think that's the title) MC, the Arckanum vinyls, Mayhem "Out From The Dark" LP, and the Helheim demo tape. Thank God for my 19'' monitor and high resolution :p Will post pics eventually.
Show off your stuff, Eriko. Get the tapes out of the cardboard box of yours.

I'll unfortunately have to charge the batteries before taking the pics and posting them, they will be up in three hours or so.
Here are two of my coolest items - "A Moonclad Reflection" and The original pressing of "Frost"...


My Moonclad is cool, it was like a promo copy... 0010/2000. The lyrics sheet is only one sided, and theres a note on the back from the owner (or ex-owner or whatever) of Slaughter Records explaining why. WOOT.
You must have a really low serial Moonclad... there are 2-sided lyrics sheets. The other side has a pic of the band and a logo etc etc

and for no reason, here's a pic of my room... there greatest dwelling evar.
Just to make sure, the sleeve that your moonclad has come in- its not like cardboard or anything, right? It's just a glossy type of paper?