Negura Bunget

Yes-- very original, diverse-- not a lot of bands (well none, actually) like them that I can think of-- I'm pretty sure OM was in Unrestrained! Magazine's top 5 of last year...
Negura Bunget has been one of my favourites for years. Such an incredibly intense and original band who puts so much thought into their music, ideology, even album packaging. Highly recommended to anyone with an open mind.
Haha, thanks for reminding me of this band. I got thier CD a while ago, really enjoyed it, but then forgot about it.
I saw them live last night in a really small venue. It was a terrible turn out about 20 people maybe. They are really cool live with their xylaphones, bits of wood and weird digeredoo things. Really intense and very serious live...I didnt see any of the members smile once, lol. Good stuff though.
I saw them live last night in a really small venue. It was a terrible turn out about 20 people maybe. They are really cool live with their xylaphones, bits of wood and weird digeredoo things. Really intense and very serious live...I didnt see any of the members smile once, lol. Good stuff though.

Saw that last night. In one riff the xylaphone guy was trying to keep up with the tremeloing or something. So epic. ;<
Fantasic band.

I wish that the drummer and that the dude (Negeral?? Or something...) from Behemoth would get together and do a dark folk/neo classical album. That would slay!
Quite strange to see all the shows they are doing so poorly attended, the one I went to (Brighton) had about 50-60 people, London the same. And the guy above said 20, I had always thought they quite popular? Well they certainly are by fans of good music online, but as we all know it doesn't always translate to the average Joe :D

Om is my favourite, awesome album. DVD Is very cool too!