neo-classical shredding in non-wankery context

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New Metal Member
Feb 12, 2008
I'm looking for recommendations for metal bands that incorporate incredibly technical neo-classical shredding, arpeggios, sweeping, etc but in the context of music not defined solely as 'shred' (ie. the way in which the Metal Archives lists 'shred' as one of Malmsteen's genres). I think few people would deny that stuff like Malmsteen's Rising Force, Michael Angelo Batio, Jason Becker, Cacophony and musical projects of that ilk amount to little more than vehicles by which the respective leaders can showcase their incredible playing. While I do enjoy listening to the latter, I'm looking for other kinds of metal that incorporates such neo-classical virtuosity, but without neo-classical virtuosity being the sole purpose of the music. I'm not sure if this is a very abstract concept or not, but I guess the obvious example would be Necrophagist's 'Epitaph' which is a death metal album that features loads of neo-classical shredding. Some of Morbid Angel's stuff would prob come under the category too when one considers Trey's purported classical influence and some of the stuff on albums like Blessed Are The Sick.

Any recs? Thanks in advance!
Dark Moor - The Gates of Oblivion

If you want examples, the songs 'Dies Irae (Amadeus)', 'A New World', and 'Starsmaker' are good showcases. It seems like the entire point of the band was to be fast, in your face, yet extremely catchy and well-written neoclassical shred. The solo sections are effectively repetitive in parts and go on for a perfect amount of time.

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That Dark Moor record is great.

You'll need to look for power metal, mostly. Luca Turilli plays in a very neo-classical style. Also, the guitar player from Kiuas is incredible. Very technical, impressive stuff mixed within badass power metal.

The first video is Rhapsody:

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i'd forgotten how laughable dark moor were.
oh well, to each his own...

Forgotten Realm
Dushan Petrossi's Iron Mask
Magic Kingdom
At Vance (cheesy but shredding)
Book Of Reflections
Reign Of Terror
Angel of Eden
Evil Masquerade
Vital Remains
Son Of Aurelius
Conducting From The Grave
With Passion
Symphony X seems like the most obvious example that fits your description but i'm sure you have probably already heard of them.

I definitely second Rhapsody. Also, Stratovarius and believe it or not, the first Children of Bodom album has a bit of neoclassical crap in it as well.ell.
Damnit i feel like an idiot, i thought this was a new thread.

Swordfisch, why the hell did you bump this? OP is long gone and never gonna read this thread again.
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