Neocymatics Hybrid Strings Group Buy


\m/ \m/
Jun 10, 2009
Hey guys, I spoke with Marios from Neocymatics and I am organizing a small group buy. So if you are interested in the amazing "Hybrid Strings" library, PM me with your name and email and I can get the ball rolling! As it stands now, 3 are already in for the GBuy. This is a modest requirement for a nice price reduction so if you need an expressive string library, snag this deal up.

Regular full price translates to about $340.

Group Buy Pricing

2 people - $314
3 people - $295
4 - 7 people - $275
8 or more - $255

Hybrid Strings - Sample Library Developer
This runs on the full version of Kontakt 5

- Bob
Great news guys. I spoke with Marios and the Group Buy discount has been lowered more!

Here are the conditions:

I am extending the timeline to Friday morning.
We need 8 people to reach the maximum discount of $255.