Nerdification of the Metal Nation

I like Metal for the simple fact that it is the single greatest form of music ever! It is the most meaningful, passionate, spectacular music ever and I shalt always be a Metalhead! I'm not a rebel, a degenerate, a criminal, a burn-out or a rebel. I love Metal and it is one of the biggest factors in my life and it always will be. I wear leather, Metal t-shirts and such because I also love the style of Metal. When I get a little bit older I will grow my hair long because I love the way it looks and I believe it is the greatest hair style ever. I'm proud to be a Metalhead and I'm proud to be different. As far as the nerd thing goes...I am most definetly not a nerd. I'm not the in the "in crowd" because I'm not a follower and I don't do what everyone else does. I listen to what I wish to listen to and do what I wish to because I love the things I do and I love my life. I don't do things to look cool or fit in with my friends. My friends don't care that I listen to a different music genre than they do because they like me for who I am. I'm not angry at the World or whatever society seems to think Metalheads are. People have not a clue what a true Metalhead is, but being one, I do. There is nothing nerdy about being a Metalhead! Being a Metalhead so totally rules all and I am one forever!
Originally posted by Dreamlord
All music is art, whether you like it or not. Whether it is good art or not, that is the question.

Technically, yes. Just as by traditional standards, shitting on a plate and sculpting it into a smiley face would be a portrait. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Dreamlord
And please spare me your "OOOh I'm seventeen and I'm elite cuz I listen to metal and look metal and you're not tr00, you Xian" idiotic retorts.

This was called for how? :rolleyes:

The fact of the matter is, you can take metal however you want. We all reserve personal rights to hold whatever opinions we wish to. There doesn't have to be any tact or decent 'reason' for them. For example, if I were to feel that someone is a pollutant to the scene, then I can. It's that easy.