Nergal has Leukemia


Dim Sam
Jun 6, 2006
Harlequin Forest
Behemoth frontman has been diagnosed with Leukemia. Apparently it's so advanced chemo won't help him and he needs to find a bone marrow donor.

Sad news, hope he finds one quickly and makes a fast recovery
That is fucking horrible. I know a lot of hardcore Behemoth fans, I'll see what I can do. I hope he pulls through. If I ever see them play again, I'm going to give massive hugs.
Well shit. Hope for the best on this one, I didn't even get a chance to see them live yet.
i passed on TWO oppurtunitities to see them sucks...this is what happens when god hates you.
Not a huge fan of Behemoth really, but this does suck quite a lot and makes me glad I saw them at the Century Media Christmas party show some years back.
Saw them with Nile, Incantation, and Belphegor in Salzburg back in 2005 I believe. I posted a silly pic years ago with him, the drummer, and their awesome sound engineer Malta. Cool, cool guy.

Also saw them at various festivals. Best live band I've ever seen.