Nergal suffuring from Leukemia

I dont know if you actually read the news, but things are looking grim, to say the least.
Since its too late for chemotherapy and that he needs a marrow transplant, they evalutated his chance of survival at 10%
but my sis-in-law is a doctor, and it would more likely be around 2 %

People, unless a miracle happens, we've seen and heard the last from Behemoth

still, best of wishes Nergal
shit man... 2 - 10%!! :guh::(

this sucks... best wishes!!!

edit: i read in blabbermouth "he is on his first round of chemotherapy"... maybe its not too late
I dont know if you actually read the news, but things are looking grim, to say the least.
Since its too late for chemotherapy and that he needs a marrow transplant, they evalutated his chance of survival at 10%
but my sis-in-law is a doctor, and it would more likely be around 2 %

Well, as far as I know, transplantation can be successful if the immunity system recognize the donor's cells as his own cells (the reciever's cells) (not stranges cells and then attack them). Siblings' (brother/sister) cells usually have a similar HLA combination (with slight differences in the structure that can be tolerated) so if he finds a matching donor, he has a great chance of surviving! Risks of relapse depend on too many things like the quality of the donor's cells, the type of leukemia, environment, his will to heal and so on. According to the newest researches transplantation works in 22-32 % of the cases.

Your sis-in- law is a doc but I would rather believe in my version :(
they mentionned something like 10% for him, but then again, at first they told that it was too late for chemotherapy but after I heard that he begun the first chemotherapy stage??
they mentionned something like 10% for him, but then again, at first they told that it was too late for chemotherapy but after I heard that he begun the first chemotherapy stage??

I dont know a lot about leukemia but some articles I found on the net about Nergal's disease are confusing. Journalists like to exeggerate.

For example

Nergal's fiance Doda has already donated her bone marrow but it's unknown if her bone marrow will provide a DNA match.

They're not looking for a DNA match (there's no such thing, every human being has his own DNA combination) , it's the HLA (Human leukocyte antigens) like I already explained.

From the things I know,his chances to survive are good if he finds a donor. Chemoterapy is not a cure.
I have a feeling a lot of Behemoth fans will donat e their marrow in order to help.

No matter what, I wish him all the best and hope he will get better :)
"Finally, I want to comment on some opinions which, provoked by religious circles, lead to far-fetched and inaccurate interpretations. I was surprised to hear my illness became a pretext for some people to embark on their own crusade. Opinions suggesting I might come closer to God or abandon my ideals and grovel to the only correct world view in this country not only surprised but also frightened me. This is a typical example of supporting one's own views by preying on someone's misfortune. 'He fell ill so he will convert to Christianity, he will discover the religion he fought against is actually close to him.' Halt! Why should the illness change my point of view? It is true this is a difficult time for me and the thoughts of ultimate matters are hard to chase away. But the idea that I will change my opinions, priorities, and values as a consequence of my illness sounds as if someone regards my head, and not my body, ill. Suggesting I might convert are ridiculous. To what would I convert? After all, I know Christian mythology pretty well, not only in its literary version, and I find nothing good, creative or beautiful in it. I read books better and wiser than the Bible. War, blood, blackmail, rapes, incest, pedophilia, zoophilia, collaboration and treachery – each page emanates with evil. Some may say I don't understand the message of the Bible. I'd rather say the Christianity is nothing more than a rusty and archaic structure that is going to fall down any moment. It lasts only because of the gullible that follow the shepherd blindly; without any questions, without any consideration, not to any promised land, but to an intellectual slaughter. So, I say to those, who see some chances to break my rules, and myself because of the illness: over my dead body!"
I would say, NOT dead...

Him recovering could give some new inspiration. Maybe something like silence before the storm?

May take some time to get to that 100% mark, but I think he will be able to do it.

This may be wishful thinking on my part, but I'm rooting for him and the band.