Nero 7


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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I downloaded a trial version of this yesterday thinking it would be the answer to all my home made DVD prayers. In fairness it might still be, but every time I open up Nero Vision and try to add files for a new project, it comes to a complete standstill and freezes up the rest of my computer. Has anyone else has this problem and what did you do about it?

Your serial SHOULD work, but if you get stuck, you never know where you may come across a serial if you look on the internet... ;)

I do believe it has the same DVD authouring abilities as 7, but I'm not totally sure of that - it's been a while since I used 6.
I've been using 7 for burning CDs and VCDs for a while now with no issues. No DVDs though, it's only recently I've got a new PC with a DVD burner and haven't had to burn a DVD yet, so I haven't installed it.