

Keep on blorpin'
Feb 16, 2010
Minnesota, USA
Just making a topic in tribute to possibly the greatest game ever, Nethack.

NetHack is a single-player roguelike video game originally released in 1987. It is a descendant of an earlier game called Hack (1985), which is a descendant of Rogue (1980).[2] Salon describes it as "one of the finest gaming experiences the computing world has to offer."[2] NetHack is licensed under the NetHack General Public License.

Basically it's a free RPG that's been in development since the 80s (last version released in 2003.) It had ASCII graphics, but does have sprite based graphics now if you run the graphical binary file. The depth of the game is to the point where people have played it for years without finishing it. If you die you have to start a new character, but you learn something new each time and it's strangely addictive.

On my last game I got a wish from #rubbing an unidentified lamp, so I wished for a silver dragon scale mail... Went around murdering dwarves/gnomes in the mines and tinning their meat for later consumption... Tamed 3 little dogs that grew into large dogs... And then got killed by an angry priest when I tried to sacrifice corpses on his altar.

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