General Linux Discussion

Shadow Of Opeth

Opeth Saved Me From Death
For those who don't know it : Linux is FREE OF VIRUSES!!! Coz it's open source, (it helped me to product a key for vista, and for kespersky 7.0 for 9999 day!:Smokedev:
And it's not genious!

Ok i know all this is great good, but the most part of the people who know about linux, talk about : i'm not a programmer or a professional cybernitic user, to need to us linux!
That's completly false!!!!:guh:
That idea is promoted by microsoft dynasty(imperialistic use of the last freedom-land: the net!):OMG:

So i advice you to visit
and get a sight!

About the codecs, and all the tools related to don't feel any difference with Windows, install Linux ( the version that you want, there are many version like ubuntu, kubuntu, .... with different specified use!

then so easily, follow the tutorial, who show you the application that will update your system trough the net, it download all recent codecs, application needed, and for some type of programs like vlc, adobe flash lector, (it will show :
a graphical way to compile your program, (with a copy/ paste paragraphs, ...)

What's is good for linux:
- With few ram memory, it give you greet graphics, without slowin your computer
- When connected to the net, you don't have to worry about security threats, or viruses! And your connection is terribly faster (with the same hardware configuration)! the speed pf download has no limit ( the only limit is your connexion speed)
- For the multimedia: you have greet good program and facilities to view reconfigure, record and make your video!

- Many other goods that i'm discovering daily!
--> The most important + that i about linux software:
It's a free non commercial software, made for people who don't accepte to be just a point in the statistics of Bill Gates!

(This Post was writing with a full free software, with linux ubuntu, and firefox):)

Personaly i use linux ubuntu, and i find it very good!
I have a 120 go disk divided like this:
7 go for Linux and programs for it
20 go for windows XP Pack 2 and some space for windows game like Devil may cry, Counter strike, generals, ...
The rest of my disk for stokin Mp3, concerts, and for documents related to my study and my self production of music!

At last: I hope that metalheads in this forum will complete the goods ion linux that i forgot or don't know, and i will be very pleased to anser you if you found some problems when chaingin to linux!:rock:
Bah, only fools get viruses anyway..
And only fools pay for genuine windows license :lol:

I'm using ubuntu on my laptop, and have been for about three years or so,
So I'd say I'm qualified to have an opinion on this.
I'm neither fanatical about it, nor do I think it's a waste of time.
Actually, I'd say it's about as good as windows. No more, no less.
It has a lot of advantages, but also some downsides.

Ubuntu is really great for general usage,
but I bump into problems for very specific tasks.

The big advantage with ubuntu is that most of the things you'd have to tinker with to set up after a fresh windowsinstall, works out of the box with ubuntu.
Also, installing new applications is childsplay at lightspeed, thanks to apt and its frontends.

A good bunch of windows-games works through wine, although with not the most impressive perfomance...

Sound-recording/editing/mixing, works with audacity and the other tools supplied with the ubuntustudio-audio package, but not the best performance here either, since that would require a good low-latency-kernel (the current one is buggy at best). But I have a shitty soundcard, so that may take most of the blame.

Awesome apps:
-TuxGuitar (Nice Guitarpro/Powertabs equivivalent)
-Exaile or Amarok (The best audioplayers ever made)
-Audacity (Nice soundrecorder/editor)
-Hydrogen (Drum-machine. Intuitive, quick, and sounds really good if using good samples (hint: colombo acoustic drumkit)
-Abiword (lightweight wordprocessor.. openoffice is too damn slow)
-Wine ("compability-layer" for windows apps...hey, a huge lot of things actually work!)
Linux is not free of viruses however there are very few made for it currently. That will change over time.
i know nothing about linux, but i'm curious. So here some questions:

-why does programmers love it so much? i mean from a programmer point of view?
-does it support regular ".exe" files? i mean, can i install anything?
Arch or nothing.
Fuck yeah.

Developers like it more because it's simpler. It can be much more lightweight than Windows, and you can choose everything. Plus it's open-source and overall better from any point-of-view.

You can run Windows executable files by using WINE. It's a emulator of sorts.
I've been using Slackware for a while. It's somewhat of a pain in the ass to set up, but works well after some work. I had to install KDE 4.3 and recompile my kernel for multimedia, but I wanted to do things by hand.
WINE is not perfect, but it's pretty cool and runs most older apps :)

I have been using linux for a year already. First Linux Mint, then Debian, which I left because packages were old and it's difficult to make 'em, and it fucked up when I installed testing, and finally Slackware.

If you're not a hardcore gamer, it's good enough. Else, get a console or dualboot.
okay im running a windows xp and was wondering, I have a copy of windows 7, and i was wondering if it'b be best just to get linux or switch yo Windows 7?

I have heard great things about both
Wait is it possible to run linux through windows 7? i know its possible to run linux through windows XP but not sure about 7.
i know nothing about linux, but i'm curious. So here some questions:

-why does programmers love it so much? i mean from a programmer point of view?
-does it support regular ".exe" files? i mean, can i install anything?

Probably way late on this, but seeing that I work in this field I can offer the best information regarding this.

It's not that programmers love the platform, in fact if you're looking to make money, Windows and Mac Frameworks are much better to develop in. Most servers, where web applications are stored, are ran on a Linux based operating system (or Unix based).

It does not support compilations of a different operating system base, even if the architecture is the same. Being that you can not, traditionally install "Exe" files in the same you would on Windows. You can, on the other hand, use a emulator such as Wine to emulate Windows libraries and that generally allows that application to run on Linux.