Linux, recording, 64 bit OS

Kenneth R.

Oct 28, 2004
Hallways of Always
Another technical topic. Anyone good with Linux?

I have discovered that in order to fully make use of more than 4GB of RAM, you have to be running a 64 bit OS - specifically XP or Linux. If I were to switch to Linux, I'll need the following to work together...

VST instruments
Axiom 61 MIDI
DAW w/ ASIO drivers

Would look into Reaper as a DAW if I went this route, and 64Studio or Fedora 11 for an OS. Any suggestions?
I use protools at uni, and reaper at home for live-audio projects. Protools kills reaper in a way I can't even put into words- editing on reaper is a complete nightmare- but probably only cause i'm used to the way it works on protools/cubase! Protools has a lot of advanced features (etc. beat detection, elastic audio) which mean as an overall product its a lot better- but reaper is in constant development and you can try it for free for as long as you want! (it also works fine on vista!!!)
so, I'll eat my words. Everything that works on Vista x64 seems to work on Windows 7 x64.

And Windows 7 x64 is free, at least until May. So, I'm now running Windows 7 and your recommended Reaper, which turns out to be a great find. Some non-intuitive controls, but less headaches than Cubase was giving me. Of course, 64 bit FX is also a major bonus, and I can use all 8gb of my RAM and all 4 of my 3.2Ghz cores. Thumbs up.