What is the simplest tutorial for GIMP?


Mark Carras
Sep 29, 2001
Olympia, WA
For those that don't know, I am talking about the Gnu Image Manipulation Program. It's basicly the photoshop for the Linux Operating System. Anyways, I am trying to create simple banner ads with it. The problem is that I can't figure out how to drag something over when I paste it onto the piece of art that I am doing.

I know this should be a very simple thing. I never had a problem with any other graphics programs like this, but GIMP just throws me for a loop.

If anybody can help me out, dumb it WAY down because I am very new to the Linux OS. Thanks
do you have the right layer seleted. Make sure you have the layer with the thing your trying to drag selected before you try and drag it.

Also make sure you have the drag tool selected. Hover the mouse over all the things on the toolbar to see which one is the drag tool (might be the one on the top bar left or right, I dont remember but probably is)
I fail to see how you can miss it, but... :p
Lutz said:
I fail to see how you can miss it, but... :p
That was my first guess, but I could only get it to move everything at once. Basicly the simple task I was trying to do was paste a logo into the window and move it. Using that arrow/cross thing, it only wanted to move everything. I could not get it to seperate the two items.
just install windows and photoshop, its a lot more powerful in every way shape and form

Gimp is like paint on crack, it isnt like photoshop on ... weed