Neurosis - Given To The Rising


In my dream...
Jan 11, 2004
Canada, Québec
"the new album is DONE. the title is Given To The Rising and it will be released in early May on Neurot Recordings on CD/DLP. Prepare yourselves for 71+ minutes of early-period brutality and heaviness combined with all the interior space and wind-swept isolation of the more recent albums."

o_O o_O o_O

This album will crush every 2007 records into small little pieces.
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This is a band I've never been able to wrap my mind around. The only disc I have by them is The Eye of Every Storm. Should I give that another try? Or is there another disc that may be a more ideal gateway?

Well, that may be one of there more accesible ones in my opinion. You might try "A Sun that Never Sets" as well. Although I think "Through Silver in Blood" and "Times of Grace" would be my favourites, they are more...abstract? Neurosis is difficult to describe. I never could get into them at first, one day a few years back though, they just seemed to click with me.
Well, that may be one of there more accesible ones in my opinion. You might try "A Sun that Never Sets" as well. Although I think "Through Silver in Blood" and "Times of Grace" would be my favourites, they are more...abstract? Neurosis is difficult to describe. I never could get into them at first, one day a few years back though, they just seemed to click with me.
Thanks. I spun up The Eye of Every Storm last night. Definitely enjoyed more this time around. Maybe it's because I'm much more into Isis now.

This is a band I've never been able to wrap my mind around. The only disc I have by them is The Eye of Every Storm. Should I give that another try? Or is there another disc that may be a more ideal gateway?

Hard to say, all their albums since Souls At Zero are masterpieces. I've never seen such a consistant discography. My personal favorite is A Sun That Never Sets. If you're into heavy, bone crushing stuff, check out either Enemy of the Sun or Through Silver in Blood. On the other hand, if you like a more introspective approach, definitely go with A Sun That Never Sets. I guess Times of Grace is kind a middle ground between these 2 eras.
Ok, somebody help me pick a first Neurosis album.

TER has these shits in stock:
Through Silver in Blood
Times of Grace
Souls at Zero
A Sun that Never Sets

I've given a half-assed listen to samples of this band a couple of years ago and determined that I'd like them. The less -core the better (so you'll probably tell me to go with The Eye of Every Storm) but gimme some input here people!

edit: this band has some of the best album names i've ever heard!
Ok, somebody help me pick a first Neurosis album.

TER has these shits in stock:
Through Silver in Blood
Times of Grace
Souls at Zero
A Sun that Never Sets

I've given a half-assed listen to samples of this band a couple of years ago and determined that I'd like them. The less -core the better (so you'll probably tell me to go with The Eye of Every Storm) but gimme some input here people!

edit: this band has some of the best album names i've ever heard!
Then your pick is either A Sun That Never Sets, Neurosis & Jarboe or The Eye of Every Storm. No description could possibly give these albums justice, so it would be best to check out the real deal:

A Sun That Never Sets - The Tide:

Neurosis & Jarboe* - His Last Words:

The Eye of Every Storm - A Season in the Sky:

*dreadfully overlooked Neurosis release. Some of their strongest material appear on this one. It is also their darkest release.

As far as I'm concerned, A Sun That Never Sets is hands-down the best record I've ever heard. It's been so for nearly 5 years and I don't see that changing anytime soon.