

Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
I saw this on Leno last night. Neuticals - Implants for your pets. I shit you not. Why can't I ever come up with something like this. Apparently people will buy anything.

"As Natural As Nature Intended...
The texture and firmness of NeuticleNaturals were crafted based on the firmness of actual animal testicles."

"An Exact Replication...
Neuticles replicate the testicle in actual size, shape and weight and feel."

Who the hell feels their pets testicals? Don't answer that.

On another topic, I saw an article in the paper yesterday that an Italian priest wants to ask Michael Jackson to sing on a cd compilation of songs for the Pope. Of course, if Michael Jackson agrees to do it, there needs to be approval from the Vatican first. I can't even begin to imagine the jokes that will come out of this one.
ahh i wish i could remember the question i had on " who wants a to be a millionaire " phone game .......shit it cracked me up

it was summink like, what is the name given to the fake testicale implants that are used in neutured dogs:

1) neuticals
2) grow-nads

cant remember the other two, but grownads cracked me up, great name for a ball product