Bay Studio

Jul 29, 2011
Austria/New Jersey
Hey guys whats up!

As the title already says...

I´m looking into buying a Neve pre-amp, especially for guitars and bass.

I know the 1073 is a powerhouse and used alot by many engineers/mixers etc.

But, what Neve preamp would you guys say is perfect for guitars?

The BAE clones are great as is the vintech stuff. On a tight(er) budget I'd look at the chameleon stuff before I'd even give BLA a second glance based on how dissimilar their api clone sounds.
If you want Neve-ish with less coloration, the Great River is as good as it gets.
Great suggestions guys! Appreciate it.

I´m trying not to go with a clone - might sound a little cocky, but i just want to treat myself to a really nice piece of gear. I´m looking into getting the Neve 1073, or the API 580.

I´ll let you guys know what pre-amp it will be. Thanks for the pointers guys :)
Great River NV Series are killer! If you are not going to have all kinds of preamps this one is great because you can get all different types of sounds out of it.
Great suggestions guys! Appreciate it.

I´m trying not to go with a clone - might sound a little cocky, but i just want to treat myself to a really nice piece of gear. I´m looking into getting the Neve 1073, or the API 580.

I´ll let you guys know what pre-amp it will be. Thanks for the pointers guys :)

If you've got the budget, I'd get the BAE 1073 over an actual Neve-branded 1073. Mr. Averill's stuff is the baddest of ass.
slightly OT, but what is the downside (if any) to getting the 500 series version of one of these vs. the full rack version?
No rules here, but generally a few less features (inserts, etc) sometimes everything is the same. You will have a dedicated power supply with a standalone. The main reasons of 500 are portability/space saving and if you are planning on having quite a few pieces of outboard it makes financial sense to not purchase a power supply every time.
Great suggestions guys! Appreciate it.

I´m trying not to go with a clone - might sound a little cocky, but i just want to treat myself to a really nice piece of gear. I´m looking into getting the Neve 1073, or the API 580.

I´ll let you guys know what pre-amp it will be. Thanks for the pointers guys :)

Yeah, not cocky but sort of caught up in the glamour. A real Neve is going to cost you between $2.5k-10k new for a couple of channels. And then a week after they arrive some dude on Gearslutz will let you know that they stopped being "real" in 1975 when Rupert left the company. Point being it's better to shop with your ears than your eyes.
I can vouch for the BAE stuff it's fantastic, vastly prefer it to the vintechs I've used.

Edit: autocorrect apparently got the better of me.
Doesn't sound cocky, just kind of dumb considering you can get the same preamp circuitry with as good if not better build quality and features for the same if not cheaper.

Mhm, i understand dude!
Maybe i wasn´t too clear in my post - it´s not that i have to have a Neve or API preamp. I´ve worked on a neve desk before, aswell as a "clone", and i´ve always got great results i felt pretty secure with considering the Neve stuff.

I´ve written down all the companys/preamps you guys mentioned, and i´m about to check some out soon to finally decide. Maybe it´ll be a clone that i´ll be walking out the store with...or maybe it´ll be the Neve pre. I don´t know yet - but as one of you guys already mentioned, i´m definitely buying this thing using my ears only :D

Thanks alot for the suggestions and helpful pointers!
I appreciate it.
I'd recommend getting into the 500 series game. I use Avedis MA5s for a Neve sound and they're such killer pres. Use them along side my Chandler TG2, 512c(s), etc. They rock. Also, if you dig the API flavor and are handy with a soldering iron, Classic API preamps sound fantastic and it's an easy DIY build. Cheap too.
I've used 1081's 1073 pres and great rivers and love them all. But I fuxking love the great river