I'm voting for the horse. Bush is an absolute fucking idiot, Kerry has too many bright ideas, and a snake of a running partener for vp.(trial lawyer=scum of the earth) Does'nt matter, just wait untill 08 when Hillary runs, we'll all be fucked then. I come home from work today and there are 21 new messages from campaigners, nevermind that that # is for my customers to set up appointments with me. Election years suck. My biggest bitch against bush, ol' Saddam was basically penned up in his own country, 80% of it a no fly zone, fairly calm, not much going on, while ol' Osama, is running free and loose. Now we have an Iraq that is all fucked up, a free for all for any "insurgents" while Osama is wandering about the country side somewhere in afghanistan/pakistan. Hmmmmmmm. I can't wait to move to some tropical island................................. :Smug: