Neverheadz thought on: lamb of god????


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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Personally, I think lamb of god are a great band. Their musicianshiop is great. I know alot of you here may not like them or may not like the vocals. Anyway, just thought I would see what everyone else thought about them. I think the new album "Sacrament" is great but Nevermore had the song "This Sacrament" first. To me, lamb of god has an "old school" Megadeth/Testament/Exodus/Pantera feel, with some new elements. Here goes nothing.
Devy, you're one cynical bitch these days :p

It's an OK record, I don't mind it at all. I mentioned once before I thought their soundscape was sorta empty/bland, and I still think that.
ZANEX said:
I think the new album "Sacrament" is great but Nevermore had the song "This Sacrament" first.

Yes... Thats it. They've copied Nevermore on the usage of this word.
They're decent. Probably the best band out of the NWOAHM or whatever. I own Ashes of the Wake and really enjoy the riffing on the title track. The Faded Line and Blood of the Scribe have some good riffs too but those are the only tracks I really listen to. I might pick up Sacrament as I've heard some good things about it.

But yeah Nevermore kick their ass.
They're very generic and bland sounding. They're not very technical to say that the musicianship is anything outstanding.
On the contrary, I find their sound unique and interesting. But then again I don't listen to music for just it's "technicality" *cough*
They're pretty good I reckon. But as someone else said, they are fairly overrated at the moment.
I say they have a fairly unique sound, but follow some "metal trends" that I don't really agree with.
They define and transcend the 'metal trends'

Of this new wave, they seem to be the only band that doesn't give a flying fuck about the 'scene'. if you get a chance, watch the DVD that came with their new album. Its got a bunch of filler crap about what they do on their off time (fast forward....), but you realize that they really are all about the metal, and making the best metal music they can.

They're not killswitch, they're not shadows fall, they're not emo metal hardcore crossover #45, they're a pure metal band, and that rules.

Go LOG, they deserve all the success they get. And I'm not just saying that cause I saw them open for Haunted/Dimmu/Cannibal Corpse years ago when no one knew who they were, and then proceeded to kick everyones asses. Or maybe I am, since i just did ;)

PS: There was a midget in that mosh pit :p
Chromatose said:
On the contrary, I find their sound unique and interesting. But then again I don't listen to music for just it's "technicality" *cough*

You find them unique, That's an opinion. A fact would be their riffs are written in the same manner as most other main stream bands.

I do listen to bands based on technical ability, I can't help that I don't like talentless hacks.