NEVERMORE covers Ozzy's Revelation(Mother Earth)!!!!


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I think Will may have beat me to posting this with his "I had a Revelation Thread, but I'll post this anyway. I just heard this song on Nevermore's myspace page and all I can say is "WOW!!!!". Pretty good cover of this Ozzy classic. All Ozzy, Nevermore, check this song out. You won't be disappointed. Message me and let me know what you think.


P.S. Is this song available for purchase? Is it available as a bonus track on any import version of This Godless Endeavour?
then download the mp3 in the other thread?

edit: oh SNAP

yousendit says: Http/1.1 Service Unavailable

it's not your day.
There is nothing wrong with this song as a cover. But it's a demo with crappy myspace quality.
what's the big deal - just let the fans hear it !!! I'm guessing it might be added as a bonus track at some point, but it's not like hearing it now is going to hurt sales
Probably for the same reason we were all led to believe that there weren't any versions of it lying around... it wasn't a 100% finished product and the band wants to convey some type of professionalism when it comes to *whatever* they release. If some random Ozzy fan were to hear the demo of Nevermore doing it, they'd probably write Nevermore off as a band, saying that they can't cover the song properly. aaaand that would be a bad thing to happen, as they would tell everyone else that Nevermore sucks JUST for the fact that there is a crap sounding demo with programmed drums.

I liked the cover... but then again, that might just be because Revelation is my favorite Ozzy song and Nevermore is my favorite band.