Questions on Nevermore bonus & unreleased tracks


New Metal Member
Feb 13, 2006
Hi Warrel!

How are you? I'm from Toronto and I caught you guys, when you were touring with Opeth Fireball Ministry, on 28 October last year. You guys were and still are amazing. Nevermore and Evergrey are the most played bands in my current playlist.

I have a question regarding the bonus tracks "The System Is Failing" and "Chances Three". "The System Is Failing", the bonus track in the Japanese version of the self-titled debut...was that song re-recorded for the Japanese version or is that song the same track in your 1992 Utopia demo? If that song was re-recorded, who was the drummer Van Williams or Mark Arrington.

Now, concerning "Chances Three", which appears as 1 of the bonus tracks in the limited edition of "Dead Heart In A Dead World". Is that bonus track same as the one in your 1992 Utopia demo or was it re-recorded for the limited edition?

Just to reconfirm...the song "All The Cowards Hide" is a "Dreaming Neon Black" leftover and was recording during DNB sessions, right? When was the Judas Priest cover "Love Bites" recorded and first released? I looked for all versions for "This Godless Endeavor" and couldn't find that Ozzy cover "Revelation (Mother Earth)". So, where can I find it? I used to get newsletters from BW&BK and I remember reading once that you guys recorded "Ride The Lightning" for a Metallica tribute album. What happened to that?

I have one more quesiton regarding the song "42147" from "The Politics Of Ecstasy" album. I remember reading in the FAQ section of the Nevermore site that 42147 is a date. That date concerns what? I tried looking for the answer from the lyrics...but failed. Can you please give us the answer?

That's all I'm asking as a Nevermore fan.

C-ya later

LET THE METAL FLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rock:
Chances Three is definitely a rerecording from the demo, and apparently it has slightly different lyrics.

I've never heard the PoE System is Failing but I assume it was rerecorded too.
I believe 42147 was when the first article about the mental effects of LSD were published. or when it was getting marketed. something like that.

Revelations was planned for the album, but it never seemed to happen. Maybe they recorded it, maybe they didn't, but it's not on TGE.

all the cowards hide = yep

I'm not sure about the rerecordings of those songs, but someone else here will probably know.
System is Failing- I'm with rebirth on this. I don't dislike the song but I think it is one of my least favorite tracks.

Chances Three-a beatiful song. I have only heard the 1992 demo though.

All The Cowards Hide-Leftover DNB song, and a good one.

Love Bites-I first heard this on a Judas Priest Tribute album from Century Media. It includes Testament, Iced Earth, Fates Warning, Strapping Young Lad, Mercyful Fate, Overkill, Kreator,etc... It's called A TRIBUTE TO JUDAS PRIEST LEGENDS OF METAL and was released in 1997.

42147-Has something to do with the date L.S.D. was discovered by Albert Hoffman or when it's effects were recorded, marketed, etc...

Ride The Lightning/Revelation(Mother Earth)-Heard about both of these, would love to hear them, don't know if either has been finished or recorded.
shit i would love to hear nevermore take on those two songs!!

revelation is one of my favs. It would be great to hear those covers one of these days if possible