Nevermore drops off the Symphony X tour

Are you THAT thin skinned that you can't take a ribbing like a man?
Yay! You know someone in a band! I know many people in bands too.
You just name drop more than most on here so I called you out on it.

Based on other's comments, I am obviously not the only one who has witnessed this, so deal.
Are you THAT thin skinned that you can't take a ribbing like a man?
Yay! You know someone in a band! I know many people in bands too.
You just name drop more than most on here so I called you out on it.

Based on other's comments, I am obviously not the only one who has witnessed this, so deal.

I find it funny that every time you insult someone on this board or do whatever it is that you do, you always consider it "ribbing" or "messing with you" or whatever. It's the internet, I don't get bent out of shape about anything on this board, especially when it comes from you. You're someone who has tried to force his way into this community and really have no business being here, as you will never come to Progpower (by your own admission of course). Sure, you can do what little promotion that you do (that there may be proof or no proof of), but at the end of the day, you don't fork over the cash for your own ticket. Sure, the economy sucks, sure, you have a family, there are a lot of excuses, but welcome to real life. I'm sure that a great amount of people on this board are feeling the economy, have a family, and also have any number of other excuses as to why they might not be able to show up, but guess what, most of them always find a way, or miss a year here or there. I don't think there is another person on this board who gets on here who has never gone to the fest, or is not planning to in the future. I don't think you're a bad guy, and you do bring some worthwhile opinions and debate to this board SOMETIMES, but remember, this is a community of people who either have or do still actively attend this festival, and before you start in with some of your typical bullshit here next time, remember that you're not part of this community, you just post here. As for the other comments, Bob simply posted as a failed attempt at another Chicago hijack, and I don't really know Britt, so I could care less about that opinion. Milton is my friend, and has been for quite some time, so as usual, he's just fucking around. So deal.
Yay!!!!! Big tough AeonicSlumber coming to the rescue to join in on a pile on over something that was never his business in the first place! :Smokedev:

Yeah bro the internet is srs business and Im so tough 2 bro. Givin out e-hugs and askin other dudes to marry me is so macho. U betta watch out.
