Nevermore in Austin

Beheaded by God

The Retribution
Jan 11, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Oh man, last night's show was so badass. I enjoyed the entire set. Jeff threw me his guitar pick after the show and I snagged the setlist afterwards and got it autographed by Jeff and Jim. Oh man, it was a pleasure to meet all the guys and crew (Willie is a great guy!) afterwards and talk to them. I kept thanking Jeff for his guitar pick, lol. I'm a dork. I partially convinced Jim to have them play Politics on their next tour..and Warrell I'm gonna get you to sing it! Haha. I hope to see you guys again sometime soon.

Intro (Precognition)
My Acid Words
Bittersweet Feast
The River Dragon Has Come
Never Purify
The Heart Collector (well, it was on the list, but they skipped it)
This Sacrament
7 Tounges of God
Beyond Within
Inside 4 Walls
Final Product
Godless Endeavor
Enemies of Reality

Hey, I was at the Austin show too, and I got a setlist and a Jeff Loomis pick too, hehe. I didn't stay afterwards though, so no autographs though. It sucked that they didn't play Heart Collector, but they played for 75 minutes, and I was more then satisfied, although I would like to hear A Future Uncertain or The Psalm Of Lydia, hopefully next time they come around.
That was a great concert! I met everyone after the show except for Van. Plus, they signed all my CDs. Warrel and Jim were cool as shit! They were just hanging out outside and we were just talking metal for a good while. Too bad there wasn't a lot of promotion for the concert but it was a good crowd for a Monday. I learned from Jim that the cover for the first Nevermore was a "stereogram cover". NEVERMORE:worship:
Bah. I shouldn't read these threads. makes me so fucking jealous.

Goddammit I hope the guys make it out here to Aus again this time. Warrel told me it was pretty much happening for sure this time, and CM's Australian guy Andrew Haug has assured me numerous times that he's working very hard to get them out here this time around... Three albums since the last tour. That's a lot of brilliant songs I haven't seen live yet.

Guess I should count myself lucky I got to see them on the DNB tour, soon as they'll never play so many songs from my favourite album of all time again...
this show was AWESOME!!! the guys were so cool after the show. can't wait for them to come back to Austin to kick our fucking asses again!!

:rock: :worship: