nevermore in guitar world

REBIRTH IS A FUCKING TROLL, DARK NOISE IS COOL I TALKED TO HIM ABOUT HAVING TO SHIT THE OTHER NIGHT HAHA. Leave my mutated pinky alone its never bothered you. Whore. Rebirth is stupid. How is it hes been coming here so long if all he does is post stupid threads to start arguements with everyone? Hes a troll. I wasn't mouthing DArk noise the last thing I said to him was a quote from WILLOW

This palce is cursed peck, its falling aprt open your eyes and...... ( steps in shit) .....TROLLS.


Its a cool movie shut up.
SO fucking what? A troll is a troll and if your being a troll then your being a troll. I dont believe the fact that hes been here a long ime means anything besides hes been here as a troll to long. I dont have anything against the guy besides his trolldum.
stop being cunts. and when you registered (with the exception of rebirth) DOES mean a lot in here. I usually don't troll this site much anymore. (troll pun intended") so i reallly dont know any noobies.
speaking of cunts, hey will! send my crap. :P
alright. back to watching kung fu zombies, playing my steel batallion xbox game, and fucking fat bitches.