Nevermore setlist according to SMNnews

better than them opening with Narcosynthesis :zombie: :lol: oh well. no matter what theyd play, itll be a kickass time

in that full SMN shindig, it says that Evergrey (supporting directly) is getting 75 minutes..

Could it be... those going to Jaxx are getting a show that has Nevermore at 75+ minutes in length?
ok, so i figure... evergrey is giving direct support to nevermore, and still getting 75 minutes. would that give Nevermore a full 90?

6 songs per half hour

18 songs.... i sure hope so
Will Bozarth said:
better than them opening with Narcosynthesis :zombie: :lol: oh well. no matter what theyd play, itll be a kickass time

in that full SMN shindig, it says that Evergrey (supporting directly) is getting 75 minutes..

Could it be... those going to Jaxx are getting a show that has Nevermore at 75+ minutes in length?

Both are supposed to be doing 90.
90min set from nevermore.... just wanted i wanted my first nevermore show to be... also... umm... someone wake me up after evergrey is done... no offense to evergrey fans, but i think they would be a bit boring live. Cd is decent to listen to... i've also seen part of their DVD... meh... nothing compared to live boots of nevermore \m/

devy_metal: no they need to open with orphidian and lead into beyond within, the death of passion, i am the dog. then they can do born and whatever...
In Flames, Nevermore - Setlists Revealed From First Night Of TourIN FLAMES's North American headlining tour with THROWDOWN, NEVERMORE and EVERGREY kicked off last night, May 5, in Buffalo, NY at the Town Ballroom. Here are a few news bits from the show:

-EVERGREY performed five songs, but the guitars went dead due to some sort of electrical problem at the beginning of their closing song "A Touch of Blessing". However, the band soldiered on and played the song with just vocals, bass, drums and keyboards, having the fans clap along where the guitars would have been. [Ed note: The band did not have a paper setlist anywhere, and due to this reporter only having one album by them (The Inner Circle), the band's setlist will be displayed on a later date.]
In other EVERGREY news, drummer Jonas Ekdahl confirmed to that the band will be performing for 75 minutes in their direct support slot to NEVERMORE's headlining show at Jaxx in West Springfield, VA this Sunday, May 7. IN FLAMES and THROWDOWN will not be at that show.

-NEVERMORE performed six songs. They are as follows:
Final Product
I, Voyager
Poison Godmachine
Engines of Hate
Dead Heart in a Dead World

JAG PANZER guitarist Chris Broderick subbed in for Steve Smyth who, as previously reported, is on medical leave due to a severe kidney problem that may ultimately require a transplant. Former ICED EARTH and MEGADETH bassist James MacDonough filled in for Jim Sheppard, who is undergoing "routine tests" for his fight with Crohn's Disease. MacDonough sang back-up vocals for closer "Born".

-THROWDOWN included a tribute to the late and great Dimebag Darrell in their set by covering "A New Level" from PANTERA's "Vulgar Display of Power" album. The solo, however, was left out. No setlist is available as of this time.

-IN FLAMES performed 18 songs. They are as follows:
Take This Life
Touch of Red
Watch Them Feed
Worlds Within the Margin
Pinball Map
Dial 595 Escape
Embody the Invisible
Behind Space
Come Clarity
Only for the Weak
Cloud Connected
The Quiet Place
My Sweet Shadow

For those of you keeping track at home, the album by album breakdown for the tracks goes like this:
Lunar Strain: 1
The Jester Race: 1
Whoracle: 1
Colony: 1
Clayman: 2
Reroute to Remain / Trigger EP: 4
Soundtrack to Your Escape: 4
Come Clarity: 4

That would be a 2:1 ratio of post-Tokyo Showdown tracks to pre-Tokyo Showdown tracks for you math majors out there.

posted by - </SPAN>DanSMN</SPAN>Consult the SMN General Discussion forum for other side notes about this show.
Sum up: It rocked, even with an inferior setlist from In Flames and short sets from Nevermore and Evergrey.

posted by - </SPAN>EricT</SPAN>I'd say a pretty bad setlist from In Flames compared to when I saw them on their last tour in SLC.

As for throwdown leaving out the solo, thats not much of a suprise, heh. How can you tribute dimebag when you assrape his song and remove the solo? Thats called jumping on the bandwagon.

Speaking of which, why the fuck does every tour have to have a band that tributes Dimebag with a pantera song? When I saw the last In Flames tour, Trivium did walk. It sucked...

Nevermore should be getting that direct support slot, hands fucking down. And if Nevermore would have done the Pantera cover, the fucking solo would have been there, except loomisified.

-Rant over-

posted by - </SPAN>CreepingDeath</SPAN>Wow, that Nevermore set isn't too bad. I love how they change it up every tour for the most part so that everyone gets a little something different. Sucks about Evergrey though.

posted by - </SPAN>Nvrmr</SPAN>How they change it up every tour? LOL

posted by - </SPAN>Deathchain</SPAN>Wow In Flames played a whole 4 good songs. Glad to see they played something from Lunar Strain. Nevermore's set list was terribly short and if Evergrey's was too, I think I may skip this.

posted by - </SPAN>materagon</SPAN>i just dont understand why in flames can just skip ma/ri completely, eeh ill see them on sounds, speaking of sounds tour anybody know if dragonforce is really gonna be on it them and bodom are my fav. bands ever

posted by - </SPAN>SyntheticMetal</SPAN>Bodom is on the Slayer tour...

posted by - </SPAN>SyntheticMetal</SPAN>Oh, and fuck In Flames. I would not stick around for 6 good songs out of 18. They changed so horribly.

posted by - </SPAN>death be not proud</SPAN>It was a good night over all. I personally thought Nevermore was the best performance of the night, despite having such a short set.

posted by - </SPAN>Machinist</SPAN>i get full sets of Nevermore and Evergrey tommorow at the jaxx minus In Flames and throwdown
Hey, this is Dan from SMN. First, thanks for the link up. ;) Second, I'll be at Jaxx Sunday. Third, Nevermore was by far the best act of the night, though In Flames, as always, was all sorts of fun. If it wasn't for the tech problems, Evergrey would have been sweet. I watched the Sabres game during Throwdown, heh.
One thing to be prepared for: Chris Broderick is the MAN live. He's even better than he was with Nevermore in '03. He was 99 percent on at the show... just a little glitch during Dead Heart, but no big deal, the band recovered in 2 seconds flat, ha. I mean, damn, give him a break, he had a week to prepare, you know? James kicked ass too.

Anyway, before the show, I was walking around with two friends looking for a place to eat. Who do I happen to pass on the corner? Sentient6, of course. He was on the cell, so I didn't bother him and he walked the opposite way. My friends and I went to TGI Fridays. Prices turned out to be insane, way higher than any other Fridays I've been to.
So, we turned around and went to the next restraunt. I swear to you, we walk in, say "table for 3" and the waitress sat us at the table right next to, guess who: fuckin' Warrel, who was still on his phone. What luck, right? Anyway, after we get the bill and I stand up, he noticed my Nevermore worker shirt I got back when they opened for Savatage in '01. He says, "Where'd you get that bitchin' worker shirt?" So we talked for a bit, and I asked him about Steve and Jim. Jim's doing pretty well; he's just undergoing some routine tests. But he said Steve's really not doing well, which sucks major. My best hopes to that poor dude. Otherwise, we talked about NEMHF '03... you may have seen the video for The Sound of Silence where everyone was on stage. I was one of them, though the best part of the night for me was when I ran on stage during Beyond Within (my favorite NM song from the greatest album of the '90s, hands down) and he actually gave me the mic for the chorus. (What a beast; thanks Warrel!) He said that was definitely one of their best shows, which is great to hear. It was certainly my favorite of the seven times I've seen them.
As for the show itself, they had a limited time to work with, but it still was the best half-hour of the night. Of note:
-They didn't do the intro to Dead Heart (understandable)
-Warrel nailed all the high notes, not just the main one. He took a huge breath and pumped his chest a bit before the "fear". That was awesome.
-Best comment of the night: "Water is metal!!!"

Sunday is going to be all sorts of awesome. Been waiting to see them headline for five years now. Bring it!!!
Ooh dan, forgot to ask, what was the ratio of xxxxxxxxxxxFagsxxxxxxxxxxxx compared to your normal metalhead? Did they tend to show up near the start of Throwups set? And did they leave afterwards?
Ha, funny you ask... after Nevermore, nearly the WHOLE floor cleared out and went to back bar, which is a separate area of the venue. However, there were still a lot of people on the stairs and upper levels. The reasons were two fold:
1) The metalheads had no use for Throwdown
2) The Sabres game was projected on a big screen at the back bar. There were well over 100 people there, and they were into it big time. It was actually pretty fuckin' awesome. First, my friends and I met Jonas from Evergrey (pictures here (you can see the worker shirt I was talking about, though my hair & arm cover up the Nevermore logo), here, and here). Then we watched the Sabres tie up the game, twice... the last of which was with 10.7 seconds left in the final period. The place went NUTS. I'm not much of a hockey fan, but that response was pretty electrifying.

As for the crowd... just a few hardcore kids. There's your typical mall goths and whatnot there, but for the most part, there were just metalheads there looking to rock out. Maybe 10-15 hxc kids dancing during Throwdown in the little bit I did catch (Pantera cover of A New Level and one of their songs), but nothing major. Don't worry about having to deal with ninjas or any of that BS. It's a metal friendly crowd to say the least. Some hxc kids stuck around for In Flames, but they didn't dance or anything.
Thats good, last concert I went to, had Animosity opening for them (can't remember the band now that i think of it... some west coast death metal like band), and there were about 30 of those fucking ninjas. And they'd jump right into us standing in teh back cause frankly the band was god awful. So I started throwing cans and shit at them, twas funny. The main band wasn't that good, so thats why I can't remember who it was.

The show i'm most likely going to is the Colorado Springs one, which I hear has no throwdown, but the poster still says they are on the bill. But if they aren't I'll be happy, longer neverset and more evergrey.