Nevermore setlist according to SMNnews

Rock. I hope you have the all-metal bill.
Btw, random comment: Check out how fucked my schedule is for the next two days. This is what being a Neverhead is all about-
Wake up - 9 a.m.
Leave SBU (in western NY) at 10 a.m.
Arrive at Jaxx in VA at 4 p.m. for Nevergrey (Nevermore & Evergrey, get it?!?!)

Get out of Jaxx by 1 a.m (Monday morning)
Arrive at SBU at 8 a.m. (picking up some documents), leave immediately after
Get to work at 9 a.m.
Leave work at noon
Get back to SBU by 1 p.m.
Take exam at 1:10 p.m.
Head back to work at 3 p.m.
Get to work at 4 p.m.
Leave work at 6 p.m.
Back to SBU at 7 p.m.

34 hours straight tomorrow and Monday and between 800 and 900 miles....

Stupid? Yes. But, if I pull it off, this will be fuckin' epic.
DanSMN said:
Rock. I hope you have the all-metal bill.
Btw, random comment: Check out how fucked my schedule is for the next two days. This is what being a Neverhead is all about-
Wake up - 9 a.m.
Leave SBU (in western NY) at 10 a.m.
Arrive at Jaxx in VA at 4 p.m. for Nevergrey (Nevermore & Evergrey, get it?!?!)

Get out of Jaxx by 1 a.m (Monday morning)
Arrive at SBU at 8 a.m. (picking up some documents), leave immediately after
Get to work at 9 a.m.
Leave work at noon
Get back to SBU by 1 p.m.
Take exam at 1:10 p.m.
Head back to work at 3 p.m.
Get to work at 4 p.m.
Leave work at 6 p.m.
Back to SBU at 7 p.m.

34 hours straight tomorrow and Monday and between 800 and 900 miles....

Stupid? Yes. But, if I pull it off, this will be fuckin' epic.
You fucking sellout.

*goes to tell Aidan*
-NEVERMORE performed six songs. They are as follows:
Final Product
I, Voyager
Poison Godmachine
Engines of Hate
Dead Heart in a Dead World

Too short a set! If nevermore came to australia with a few other bands and only played for 30 mins id be pissed.
DanSMN said:
Hey, this is Dan from SMN. First, thanks for the link up. ;) Second, I'll be at Jaxx Sunday. Third, Nevermore was by far the best act of the night, though In Flames, as always, was all sorts of fun. If it wasn't for the tech problems, Evergrey would have been sweet. I watched the Sabres game during Throwdown, heh.
One thing to be prepared for: Chris Broderick is the MAN live. He's even better than he was with Nevermore in '03. He was 99 percent on at the show... just a little glitch during Dead Heart, but no big deal, the band recovered in 2 seconds flat, ha. I mean, damn, give him a break, he had a week to prepare, you know? James kicked ass too.

Anyway, before the show, I was walking around with two friends looking for a place to eat. Who do I happen to pass on the corner? Sentient6, of course. He was on the cell, so I didn't bother him and he walked the opposite way. My friends and I went to TGI Fridays. Prices turned out to be insane, way higher than any other Fridays I've been to.
So, we turned around and went to the next restraunt. I swear to you, we walk in, say "table for 3" and the waitress sat us at the table right next to, guess who: fuckin' Warrel, who was still on his phone. What luck, right? Anyway, after we get the bill and I stand up, he noticed my Nevermore worker shirt I got back when they opened for Savatage in '01. He says, "Where'd you get that bitchin' worker shirt?" So we talked for a bit, and I asked him about Steve and Jim. Jim's doing pretty well; he's just undergoing some routine tests. But he said Steve's really not doing well, which sucks major. My best hopes to that poor dude. Otherwise, we talked about NEMHF '03... you may have seen the video for The Sound of Silence where everyone was on stage. I was one of them, though the best part of the night for me was when I ran on stage during Beyond Within (my favorite NM song from the greatest album of the '90s, hands down) and he actually gave me the mic for the chorus. (What a beast; thanks Warrel!) He said that was definitely one of their best shows, which is great to hear. It was certainly my favorite of the seven times I've seen them.
As for the show itself, they had a limited time to work with, but it still was the best half-hour of the night. Of note:
-They didn't do the intro to Dead Heart (understandable)
-Warrel nailed all the high notes, not just the main one. He took a huge breath and pumped his chest a bit before the "fear". That was awesome.
-Best comment of the night: "Water is metal!!!"

Sunday is going to be all sorts of awesome. Been waiting to see them headline for five years now. Bring it!!!

yeah i saw the tour tonight(last night if you want to get technical)... basically the same thing in Burlington VT except almost everyone was there to see Throwdown :Puke: and In Flames.... same setlist for both Nevermore and In Flames that they've been doing and Warrel made the water is metal comment there too(I was hoping for River Dragon when he said that but /sigh)... worth the price of admission alone even with such a shortened set... In Flames just dissapointed me, not because they were bad but because they were really good especially at some of their older material... it just bothers me that they can make great music still but instead they want to make pop stuff... oh and I got a fuckin ticket for running a red light when I didn't even see a traffic light and it didn't cause any sort of traffic incident... $196 :mad: