Nevermore slay London


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
Went to last night's Arch Enemy/Nevermore show at the Scala in London.
Great venue...sold out and Nevermore roared through a mixed set covering most of their albums .... the old stuff from "Politics of Ecstacy" seemed to be well received as well as new material from "Enemies of Reality" . Warrel got the crowd going with plenty of surfing and the usual chaos in the pit. Didn't stay for Arch Enemy so don't know how they got on :)
Well I was gonna go mainly to see Arch Enemy (cos I really wasn't impressed with nevermore at Bang Your Head - and the new material is kinda so-so), but I was pooped after Dream Evil on Saturday night and I need a break from gigs ... for a week or so at least.

Arch Enemy are back in December with Akercocke (gonna miss them for sure) at the Mean Fiddler.

The reports I read either said that the sound was great or that it was crap. I don't like the Scala precisely because of that - the sound has often been muddy at gigs I've seen there, plus you need to be taller than me to actually see anything.

The setlist was

01 silent wars
02 heart of darkness
03 We will rise
04 bury me an angel
05 savage messiah
06 The immortal
07 dead eyes see no future
08 behind the smile
09 bridge of destiny
10 enemy within
11 dead bury their dead
12 ravenous

Looks pretty goo to me, AOR rocks